www.desatech.com116200-01F 19FIREPLACEINSTALLATIONCHECK GAS TYPEUse proper gas type for the fireplace unit you areinstalling. If you have conflicting gas types, do notinstall fireplace. See retailer where you purchasedthe fireplace for proper fireplace according to yourgas type or to purchase gas conversion kit (seeAccessories, page 42).INSTALLING OPTIONAL BLOWERACCESSORIESNOTICE: If installing blower inan existing fireplace with gasconnections, shut off gas sup-ply and disconnect heater fromgas supply. Contact a qualifiedservice person to do this.WARNING: If there is a du-plex electrical outlet installedin the right side of the bottomof the fireplace base area, besure that the electrical powerto the outlet is turned off beforeproceeding with blower instal-lation. Failure to do this mayresult in serious injury.Model BK InstallationFollow all instructions provided in the bloweraccessory kit.1. Attach the power cord to the blower motor byfirmly pushing the two female terminals at theend of the power cord onto the two spade ter-minals on the blower motor (see Figure 25).2. Attach green ground wire from power cordto blower housing using screw provided (seeFigure 25). Tighten screws securely.3. Place the blower against the lower rear wall ofthe firebox outer wrapper with the exhaust portdirected upward. The blower will fit inside theback opening and be held in position againstthe back wall by the magnets (see Figure 25).4. Be certain that all wire terminals are securelyattached to terminals on blower motor andthat the screw retaining the green groundwire is tight.Blower LocationSide ViewFigure 25 - Blower Model BKMagneticStripsExhaust PortScrewGreenGroundWireSpadeTerminalsLower FireboxCavity5. Mount speed control box to switch bracketby placing the plastic control shaft forwardthrough the round opening in the switchbracket (see Figure 26).6. While supporting speed control, secure controlshaft with lock nut by pushing and turninglock nut with pliers clockwise until it is tightagainst front panel. Place control knob pro-vided on shaft.7. Turn on power to duplex outlet if previouslyturned off per the warning in column 1.8. Plug in blower power cord.a. If your firebox is installed as a free-standing unit with an accessory mantel,determine whether the power cord will exitthe left side or the right side of the firebox.Route power cord through exit hole andplug the power cord into a wall receptaclenear the firebox.b. If your firebox installation is recessedand/or pre-wired, plug the power cordinto the duplex outlet provided. Refer toyour firebox owner’s manual for instruc-tions on wiring the duplex outlet.Figure 26 - Attaching Speed Control toFireboxSpeed Control Control ShaftLocknutControlKnobSwitchBracketBlowerPlug-InDuplex Outlet(Located underneathfirebox floor againstlower right outside wall)