www.desatech.com 116200-01F22Figure 30 - External Regulator with VentPointing Down (Propane/LP Only)Propane/LPSupply Tank ExternalRegulatorVentPointingDownCAUTION: Use only new,black iron or steel pipe. Inter-nally-tinned copper tubing maybe used in certain areas. Checkyour local codes. Use pipe of1/2" diameter or greater to allowproper gas volume to fireplace.If pipe is too small, undue lossof volume will occur.Installation must include an equipment shutoffvalve, union and plugged 1/8" NPT tap. LocateNPT tap within reach for test gauge hook up.NPT tap must be upstream from fireplace (seeFigure 31).IMPORTANT: Install main gas valve (equipmentshutoff valve) in an accessible location. The maingas valve is for turning on or shutting off the gasto the appliance.Check your building codes for any special re-quirements for locating equipment shutoff valveto fireplaces.Apply pipe joint sealant lightly to male NPTthreads. This will prevent excess sealant fromgoing into pipe. Excess sealant in pipe could resultin clogged fireplace valves.WARNING: Use pipe jointsealant that is resistant to liquidpetroleum (LP) gas.FIREPLACEINSTALLATIONContinuedWe recommend that you install a sediment trap/drip leg in supply line as shown in Figure 31. Lo-cate sediment trap/drip leg where it is within reachfor cleaning. Install in piping system between fuelsupply and fireplace. Locate sediment trap/drip legwhere trapped matter is not likely to freeze. A sedi-ment trap traps moisture and contaminants. Thiskeeps them from going into fireplace gas controls.If sediment trap/drip leg is not installed or is in-stalled wrong, fireplace may not run properly.Figure 31 - Gas ConnectionCSA Design-CertifiedEquipment Shutoff Valvewith 1/8" NPT Tap*3" MinimumApprovedFlexibleGas LineCap Pipe Tee JointNippleSediment Trap/Drip LegNatural - FromGas Meter (5.5"W.C. to 10.5" W.C.Pressure)Propane/LP FromExternal Regulator(11" W.C. to 14"W.C. Pressure)* The CSA design-certified equipment shutoffvalve may be supplied with the appliance or youcan purchase it from your retailer.CONNECTING FIREPLACE TO GASSUPPLYInstallation Items Needed• 5/16" hex socket wrench or nut-driver• sealant (resistant to propane/LP gas, notprovided)1. Open lower louver door panel by gently pull-ing forward.2. Route flexible gas line (provided by installer)from equipment shutoff valve to fireplace.Route flexible gas supply line through one ofthe access holes on side of fireplace.3. Attach flexible gas line from gas supply tocontrol valve (see Figure 32, page 23).4. Check all gas connections for leaks. SeeChecking Gas Connections, page 23.