www.fmiproducts.com111826-02K 19SERVICE HINtSWhen Gas Pressure Is Too Low• pilot will not stay lit• burners will have delayed ignition• heater will not produce specified heat• propane/LP gas supply may be lowYou may feel your gas pressure is too low. Ifso, contact your local propane/LP or natural gassupplier.tECHNICAL SERVICEYou may have further questions about installation,operation, or troubleshooting. If so, contact FMIPRODUCTS, LLC’s Technical Service Depart-ment at 1-866-328-4537. When calling please haveyour model and serial numbers of your applianceready.You can also visit our technical services web siteat www.fmiproducts.com.REPLACEMENt PARtSNote: Use only original replacement parts. Thiswill protect your warranty coverage for partsreplaced under warranty.PARTS UNDER WARRANTYContact authorized dealers of this product. If theycan’t supply original replacement part(s), call FMIPRODUCTS, LLC’s Technical Service Depart-ment at 1-866-328-4537.When calling, have ready• your name• your address• model and serial numbers of your appliance• how appliance was malfunctioning• type of gas used (propane/LP or natural gas)• purchase dateUsually, we will ask you to return the part to thefactory.ACCESSORIESPurchase these heater accessories from your localdealer. If they can not supply these accessories,call FMI PRODUCTS, LLC at 1-866-328-4537for referral information. You can also write to theaddress listed on the back page of this manual.RECEIvER AND HAND-HELDREMOTE CONTROL KIT - 112806-01(Not Shown)For PDG models. Allows the gas log heater tobe turned on and off by using a hand-held remotecontrol. This remote comes installed in BTBmodels.REMOTE CONTROL RECEIvERBRACKET - 112806-02(Not Shown)For PDG models only. Used for mounting remotecontrol receiver to unit base.WALL-MOUNT ON/OFF SWITCHGWMS2 (Not Shown)For all models. Allows the gas log heater to beturned on and off with a wall switch. This switchis included with al models.DAMPER CLAMP - GA6080(Not Shown)For all models. Permanently opens chimney fluedamper for vented operation. This is includedwith all models.LAvA ROCK - GA6060(Not Shown)For all models. Order when additional rock isdesired. (1.8 lb. bag)FLOOR MEDIA KIT - vTA-LS5-1(Not Shown)For all models. Order when additional logs isdesired. (5 pieces)FLOOR MEDIA KIT - vTA-LS5-2(Not Shown)For all models. Order when additional logs isdesired. (5 pieces)