www.fmiproducts.com 111826-02K6INStALLAtIONWARNING: Make sure theselector switch is in the OFF po-sition before installing heater.WARNING: Before installing ina solid fuel burning fireplace, thechimney flue and firebox must becleaned of soot, creosote, ashesand loose paint by a qualified chim-ney cleaner. Creosote will igniteif highly heated. A dirty chimneyflue may create and distribute sootwithin the house. Inspect chimneyand firebox flue for damage. Ifdamaged, repair flue and fireboxbefore operating heater.WARNING: Installation, ser-vice and repair of this appliancemust be performed by a qualifiedinstaller, service agency, compa-ny or gas supplier experiencedwith this type of gas appliance.Only factory authorized compo-nents listed in these instructionsmay be used in accordance withmanufacturer’s instructions andall codes and requirements ofthe authority having jurisdiction.Any modifications to this kit,or use of unauthorized compo-nents or accessory items willvoid manufacturer’s warrantyand may result in a hazardouscondition.INSTALLATION AND CLEARANCESFigure 2 shows technical information regardinginstallation of your gas log set. Please make sureall specifications shown are applicable beforeinstallation is attempted.Flue Opening SpecificationsNote: This vented appliance must be installedonly in a solid-fuel burning or UL127 factory-built fireplace with a working flue and constructedof noncombustible material. The fireplace mustinclude a working flue and venting system withminimum openings shown in Figure 3.LOG SIZING REQUIREMENTSMin.FlueSizeMinimum Firebox SizeLogSize Height DepthFrontWidthRear*Width18" 17" 14" 24" 20" 8"24" 17" 14" 28" 22" 8"*Measured at 14" depth.SPECIFICATIONS (W.C.)FUEL INLETPRESSUREMANIFOLDPRESSUREMin. Max.NG 7" 10.5" 3.5"LP 11" 14" 10"Figure 2 - Technical Information ChartFigure 3 - Sizes and ClearancesCHECK GAS TYPEUse the correct gas type (natural or propane/LP)for your unit. If your gas supply is not correct, donot install heater. Call dealer where you boughtheater for proper type heater.WARNING: This appliance isequipped for (natural or propane/LP) gas. Field conversion is notpermitted.vENTING SPECIFICATIONS FORINSTALLATIONThe fireplace chimney flue and vent must be draft-ing properly. To check vent for proper drafting:Light a tightly rolled newspaper on one end andplace it at the inside front edge of fireplace. Ob-serve smoke and be sure vent is properly drawingit up the chimney. If smoke spills out into the room,extinguish flame and remove any obstruction untilproper venting is achieved.The chimney flue damper must be fixed open toprovide a minimum of 43 square inches of freeair opening during operation of this log set. Amultipurpose damper clamp is provided to fix thedamper in position.