8 L E D I N D I C ATO R S8 . 1 E t h e r n e tThe LEDs on the Ethernet connector indicate the Ethernet connection and activity status.Left Link LED Status Right Activity LED StatusAmber color 10 Mbps Amber color Half duplexGreen color 100 Mbps Green color Full duplexOn Link established On/flashing Data activityOff No link Off No activity8 . 2 U - N e t I n d i c a t o r sThe U-Net LEDs on the front/rear panels indicate the U-Net network status.Green LED () Red/Yellow LEDs (!) StatusOn Off U-Net network detectedOn Flashing Local fault: not sending or receiving on the assignedU-Net channel(s) or local and received sample rates arenot synchronizedOn On (2 seconds) Local fault detected on another device on the networkOff Off No network detected8 . 3 I n p u t m e t e r sThe input meters indicate the signal level in dB below 0 dBFS (0 dB Full Scale), the clip level of the ADC(analog to digital converter). An input meter still functions when its Input Channel is muted. Ideally, thehighest levels of the signal should illuminate the -6 LED segment, but not the CLIP segment. Occasionalflashing of the CLIP segment may be sonically acceptable.LED Segment Signal LevelClip Red 0 dBFS- 6 Yellow -6 dBFS-12 Green -12 dBFSSig Green -40 dBFS8 . 4 O u t p u t M e t e r sUnlike the input meters, the four LED segments of each output meter make up two different meters.8.4.1 SIG, -12, AND CLIP SIG SEGMENTSThese three segments monitor the signal level in dB below 0 dBFS (0 dB Full Scale), the clip level of theDAC (digital to analog converter). An output meter still functions when its Output Channel is muted.Ideally, you want the highest level to illuminate the -12 segment, but not the CLIP segment. You can setlevels lower than this, but understand that you are reducing the signal-to-noise ratio.LED Segment Signal LevelClip Red 0 dBFS-12 Green -12 dBFSSig Green -40 dBFS8.4.2 LIM SEGMENTThis segment monitors the limiter status referenced to the level set for the limiter threshold. The Limsegment will indicate limiting even when its Output Channel is muted.LED Segment StatusLim Yellow On when the limiter threshold is exceeded and there is gain reductionOccasional flashing is OK. However, if the LED is rapidly flashing yellow or is on steadily a largepercentage of the time, the input signal to the loudspeaker may be exceeding the loudspeaker’s capabilityand the volume level should be reduced.Page 20OUTPUT CHANNELSOUTPUT CHANNELSClipClipLim-12-12SigSigClipClipLimLim-12-12SigSigClipClipLimLim-12-12SigSigClipClipLimLim-12-12SigSigClipClipLimLim-12-12SigSig2 3 4 5 6ETHERNETETHERNET2 1U-NETU-NETU-NET12INPUT CHANNELSINPUT CHANNELSClipClip-6-6-12-12SigSigClipClip-6-6-12-12SigSigClipClip-6-6-12-12SigSigClipClip-6-6-12-12SigSigA B C D