Introduction2 Eaton Bypass Power Module (BPM) User’s Guide P-164000628—Rev 2 1. BPM PositionsSwitchPosition DescriptionUPS The normal operating state of the system occurs when the BPM switch is in theUPS position. Utility power is fed to the bypass, where power is then fed to theUPS. The UPS provides critical battery backup and power conditioning and poweris then fed back to the bypass switch and then the critical load.LINE When the switch is in the LINE position, utility power is directly connected to thecritical load and the output of the UPS is disconnected. In this state the UPSremains powered, which is often beneficial for troubleshooting, obtaining logs, orupdating firmware.SERVICE Like the LINE position, the SERVICE position connects the load directly to ACinput power and disconnects UPS output; however, because SERVICE alsodisconnects AC input from the UPS, this is the appropriate position for UPSmaintenance or repair. In the SERVICE position, the UPS can be completelyremoved from the system.