22 Eaton 9PX Lithium-Ion P-164001006—Rev 0133..88 CCoonnnneeccttiioonn wwiitthh aa HHoottsswwaapp MMBBPP MMoodduullee (( OOppttiioonnaall AAcccceessssoorryy))The HotSwap MBP module makes it possible to service or even replace the UPS without affecting the connectedloads (HotSwap function).1HotSwap MBPLOAD29 30 3331 34 35 361528326 75HotSwap MBP module operation32 3331UPS start-up with the HotSwap MBP module1. Check that the UPS is correctly connected to the HotSwap MBP module.2. Set switch 33 to Normal position.3. Start the UPS by pressing the ON/OFF button on the UPS control panel.The load is supplied by the UPS.LED 31 "UPS ON - OK to switch" on the HotSwap MBP module goes ON.HotSwap MBP module test1. Set switch 33 to Bypass position and check that the load is still supplied.2. Set switch 33 back to Normal position.The HotSwap MBP module has a rotaryswitch 33 with two positions:Normal the load is supplied by the UPS,LED 31 is on.Bypass the load is supplied directly bythe AC-power source. LED 32is on.9PX 3000RTAU:1. Connect the input socket 36 onthe HotSwap MBP module to theAC-power source using the cable15 supplied.2. Connect the UPS input socket1 to the “UPS Input” 35 on theHotSwap MBP module, using thecable 28 supplied. These cablesand the connectors are markedblue.3. Connect the UPS outlet 5 to the“UPS Output” 34 on the HotSwapMBP module, using the cable 28supplied.These cables and the connectorsare marked in red.4. Connect the equipment to theoutlets 29 and 30 on the HotSwapMBP module. These outlets differ,depending on the version of theHotSwap MBP module.Caution. Do not use UPS outletsto supply equipment because useof switch 33 on the HotSwap MBPmodule would cut supply to theequipment.Connection with a Hotswap MBP Module ( Optional Accessory)