Instruction Leaflet IL16963 Effective May 2011Supersedes June 1989A210, A250 Size 00, 0 or 1Reversing Motor ControllerTHE CONTROLLERAn A2l0 or A250 motor controller. when wired as shown in theappropriate connection diagram will operate as a full voltagestarter and will give protection against overload, but notagainst short-circuit currents, when wired and provided withoverload relay (OlR) heaters as listed in heater selection tablesor when used with any means of inherent protection activatedby motor temperature.The controller should be protected against short circuits byproviding branch circuit protection not to exceed the maximumprotective device ratings listed in Table II.This industrial type control is designed to be installed,operated, and maintained by adequately trained workmen.These instructions do not cover all details, variations,or combinations of the equipment, its storage, delivery,installation, check out, safe operation, or maintenance. Caremust be exercised to comply with local, state, and nationalregulations, as well as safety practices, for this class ofequipment.AUXILIARY CONTACTS - TYPE JTwo Jll auxiliary contacts, each with one normallyopen poleand one normally-closed pole are supplied with reversingcontrollers. One pole is used as the holding circuit auxiliary.The other pole serves as an electrical interlock. A maximumof three auxiliary units can be installed in each reversingcontactor with terminals either in line or in a right anglerelationship to the power poles. Auxiliary contacts mount bymeans of a spring clip and retainer screw. To remove the unitrotate the retainer screw several times (counterclockwise)and then slide the auxiliary contact unit out of the recess.Figure 1. Size 1 A210 and A250 Motor Controllers