Eaton ALL-PRO Instruction Manual
2is required before warranty performance shall be rendered. This warranty does not applyto Eaton’s Cooper Lighting Business (“Eaton’s Cooper Lighting”) products that have beenaltered or repaired that have been subjected to neglect, abuse, misuse or accident (includingshipping damages). This warranty does not apply to products not manufactured by Eaton’sCooper Lighting Business (“Eaton’s Cooper Lighting”) which have been supplied, installed,and/or used in conjunction with Eaton’s Cooper Lighting Business (“Eaton’s Cooper Lighting”)products. Damage to the product caused by replacement bulbs or corrosion or discoloration ofbrass components are not covered by this warranty.LIMITATION OF LIABILITY:IN NO EVENT SHALL EATON’S COOPER LIGHTING BUSINESS (“EATON’S COOPER LIGHTING”)BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (REGARDLESSOF THE FORM OF ACTION, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR IN TORT INCLUD-ING NEGLIGENCE), NOR FOR LOST PROFITS; NOR SHALL THE LIABILITY OF EATON’S COOPERLIGHTING BUSINESS (“EATON’S COOPER LIGHTING”) FOR ANY CLAIMS OR DAMAGE ARISINGOUT OF OR CONNECTED WITH THESE TERMS OR THE MANUFACTURE, SALE, DELIVERY, USE,MAINTENANCE, REPAIR OR MODIFICATION OF COOPER LIGHTING PRODUCTS, OR SUPPLY OFANY REPLACEMENT PARTS THEREFORE, EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE OF EATON’S COOPERLIGHTING BUSINESS (“EATON’S COOPER LIGHTING”) PRODUCTS GIVING RISE TO A CLAIM. NOLABOR CHARGES WILL BE ACCEPTED TO REMOVE OR INSTALL FIXTURES.To obtain warranty service, please contact Eaton’s Cooper Lighting Business (“Eaton’s CooperLighting”), at 1-800-334-6871, press option 2 for Customer Service, or via e-mail and include the following information:• Name, address and telephone number• Date and place of purchase• Catalog and quantity purchase• Detailed description of problemAll returned products must be accompanied by a Return Goods Authorization Number issuedby the Company and must be returned freight prepaid. Any product received without a ReturnGoods Authorization Number from the Company will be refused. Eaton’s Cooper LightingBusiness (“Eaton’s Cooper Lighting”) is not responsible for merchandise damaged in transit.Repaired or replaced products shall be subject to the terms of this warranty and are inspectedwhen packed. Evident or concealed damage that is made in transit should be reported at onceto the carrier making the delivery and a claim filed with them.Reproductions of this document without prior written approval of Eaton’s Cooper Lighting Business (“Eaton’s Cooper Light-ing”) are strictly prohibited.For assistance, call 1-800-334-6871 or e-mail us at ConsumerProducts@eaton.comPrinted in ChinaARTÍCULOS NECESARIOS(se compran por separado)• Llave ingelsa ajustableINSTRUCCIONES RELACIONADAS CON EL RIESGO DE INCENDIO,DESCARGA ELÉCTRICA, EXPOSICIÓN A EXCESIVA RADIACIÓN UVO LESIONES A PERSONAS:ADVERTENCIAS Y PRECAUCIONESADVERTENCIA: Cuando usa la computadora portátil uso al aire libre de iluminación, lasprecauciones de seguridad básicas a deberes siempre se deben seguir para reducir elriesgo de incendio, descarga eléctrica y lesiones personales, incluyendo el siguiente:ADVERTENCIA: Para reducir el riesgo de INCENDIO, DESCARGA ELÉCTRICA, EXPOSICIÓNEXCESIVA A RADIACIÓN UV O LESIONES A PERSONAS• Preste atención a todas las advertencias, incluidas las advertencias a continuación Ylas que incluya el producto.• Su luminaria LED viene precableada. No se requiere la sustitución de la bombilla.La garantía quedará anulada si se desarma la luminaria.• Riesgo de incendio y descarga eléctrica.• El sistema eléctrico y el método de conexión eléctrica de dicho sistema a la luminariadeben realizarse de conformidad con el Código Eléctrico Nacional y los códigos deconstrucción locales.• No mire a la luz directamente cuando la lámpara esté encendida.PRECAUCIONLea TODAS LAS INSTRUCCIONES.• Para uso en interiores y exteriores.• cULus LISTED for wet locations.• Conecte el accesorio a una fuente de energía de 120 voltios y 60 Hz. Cualquier otrotipo de conexión anulará la garantía.• Utilice solo los cables de extensión de tres hilos para exteriores, que tienen enchufesa tierra de tres patas, y receptáculos de conexión a tierra que admitan el enchufedel aparato.• Se deberá suministrar protección por medio del interruptor de circuito por falla a tierra(GFCI, por sus siglas en inglés) a la/s salida/s del/de los circuito/s que se utilizarán enla luminaria portátil para ubicaciones mojadas. Los receptáculos vienen disponiblescon protección GFCI incorporada y están disponibles para utilizarse para esta medidade seguridad.ESPAÑOLADVERTENCIAUSE AS A PORTABLE LIGHT1. If using as a portable light, remove the portablefixture from the tripod stand (F) by pulling thequick-release knob (B) out (Fig. 4). Lift portableunit from pole (F).2. Use the light fixture by setting the portable standon any flat surface.3. For maximum safety, portable light fixtures shouldalways be plugged into a GFCI (Ground Fault CircuitInerrupter) protected, 120 volt circuit.4. To turn light ON or OFF, push red switch on the backof fixture.AIMING THE LIGHT1. To aim fixture loosen two knob handles on theside of the worklight (Fig. 5). Tilt worklight todesired position and tighten knobs. Worklight canangle 10° degrees down or 90° up (Fig. 6). Whentilting worklight 90° up, pass power cord throughhole between stand and worklight to preventwearing power cord (Fig. 7).WALLMOUNTING FIXTURE1. Properly mount #8 or greater diameter screw (notincluded) into mounting surface.2. Slide worklight onto screw using hang tab on worklight stand as shown in (Fig. 8).USING YOUR FIXTURE3. Plug light into a GFCI protected 120 Volt receptacle.4. To turn light ON or OFF, push red switch on theback of the fixture.5-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTYTHE FOLLOWING WARRANTY IS EXCLUSIVE AND IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES,WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANYWARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE.Eaton’s Cooper Lighting Business (“Eaton’s Cooper Lighting”) warrants to customers that, fora period of five years from the date of purchase, Eaton’s Cooper Lighting Business (“Eaton’sCooper Lighting”) products will be free from defects in materials and workmanship. Theobligation of Eaton’s Cooper Lighting Business (“Eaton’s Cooper Lighting”) under this warrantyis expressly limited to the provision of replacement products. This warranty is extended onlyto the original purchaser of the product. A purchaser’s receipt or other proof of date of originalpurchase acceptable to Eaton’s Cooper Lighting Business (“Eaton’s Cooper Lighting”). ThisBFA45678 |
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