March 2008CA04801001E For more information visit: www.eaton.com25Operator Interface ProductsPanelMate Operator InterfacePower Pro LT1100, 1700, 3000 and 5000PanelMate Power ProOverviewPanelMate Power ProProduct DescriptionThe PanelMate Power Pro OperatorInterfaces are a cost-efficient, easy-to-integrate alternative to traditionalhardwired operator panels in controlsystems. The PanelMate Power Proproducts pack the latest advanced-technology operator interface func-tionality into a unique, versatile line offlatpanel designs.The PanelMate Power Pro productshave the same cutout and stud patternas earlier model PanelMate productsand offer increased capabilities.Control functions, such as machinestatus indication and pushbutton-stylecontrol, are accomplished using built-intemplates displayed on a vivid screen.The PanelMate Power Pro simulatesthe action and performance of hard-wired pushbuttons using sealed,recessed membrane control buttonson the touchpanel version or on-screenbuttons on the touchscreen version.The proven intuitive operation remainsthe same in all PanelMate products.Operators select templates or graphicimages by moving a finger aroundthe touchpanel or touchscreen. Afterselecting a template, the operatorperforms control actions by pressingcontrol buttons. New functionality alsoallows users to navigate and initiatecontrol action with just one touch(touchscreen only), if such functionalityis configured for the unit using thePanelMate Power Pro Windows-basedconfiguration software.Simplified Machine Control■ Higher level functions such asmachine setup, diagnostics, alarm-ing, trending and custom graphicscan be configured easily using thePanelMate Power Pro configurationsoftware. This intuitive softwaresignificantly reduces the time andeffort needed to create your applica-tion. The software also providescomplete compatibility of configura-tion files with other PanelMate seriesproducts (Version 2.1 or later).■ Realistic representations ofmachines and processes can bedisplayed on all PanelMate models.Detailed symbols can be designedto the pixel level or selected from asymbol library of over 3000 custom-izable and scalable images. Thesegraphics make displays more mean-ingful and allow operators to easilyrecognize and understand the dis-played data. The eight-state blinkingfeature can be used to highlightcritical functions, provide animationeffects and attract the operator’sattention to important information.■ Application flexibility is provided byhardware features that include:❑ Approved for use in Type 4, 4Xand 12 installations when properlymounted in a correspondinglyrated enclosure. Stainless steelmodels available for PanelMatePower Pro 3000 and 5000 series.❑ Executive firmware stored in non-volatile flash memory for easyupgrades.❑ Battery-backed clock that can besynchronized externally.❑ Two RS-232/RS-422 serial portsfor communications or printingalarms and messages (exceptPM 1100 models).❑ Optional, high-speed, networkinterface boards for connectivityto a variety of networks.❑ System diagnostics.❑ All PanelMate Power Pro systemsmeet UL, CSA, CE requirementsand UL/CSA Class I Division 2Groups A, B, C, D requirements.❑ All PanelMate Power Pro modelshave up to 100-page, 5000-message capacity.❑ PanelMate Pro LT supports up to64 I/O references (expandable upto 512 I/O points) and a singlecommunication driver.■ Display features on all units provideVGA (640 x 480) resolution with:❑ 256-level grayscale on the gray-scale versions or 256-color paletteon color versions.■ Touchpanel for all models includea display with electronics moduleand membrane keypad with off-screen 3 x 5 cell control selection,cancel key and numeric entry keypad,with four redefinable membranecontrol buttons to the right of thedisplay. The PanelMate 5000 unitshave five membrane control buttons.■ Touchscreen for all models include adisplay with electronics module andon-screen 3 x 5 cell control selection,four redefinable on-screen controlbuttons, on-screen cancel key andnon-intrusive, pop-up, on-screennumeric keypad. The PanelMate5000 units have five on-screencontrol buttons.Displays Available■ 7.4-inch grayscale LCD Flatpanel(PM Pro LT 1100, PMPP 1700).■ 7.7-inch color DSTN Flatpanel(PM Pro LT 1100, PMPP 1700).■ 8.4-inch color TFT Flatpanel(PMPP 1700).■ 10.4-inch color TFT Flatpanel(PMPP 3000 and 5000).■ Split Architecture 10.4-inch colorTFT Flatpanel (PMPP 5000).■ All models available in touchscreenand touchpanel (keypad).