92 INSTALLATION AND OPERATION MANUAL 25-16327-B November 2020 www.eaton.comSection 4: Appendix1 Channel mains rated I/O unit wiring (CMIO353)Installation1 Separate the two halves of the unit and remove the PCB before drilling (PCB canbe added back in after)2 Drill out (or knock out) the required cable entries in the surface mounting back box3 Fit the back-box in position and pass the wires into it4 Connect the unit according the diagram belowote:N No addressing of the interface is required See control paneloperation for detailsStandard connectionsote:N1 Only connect cable screen to its adjacent earth terminal2 The end of line resistor must always be fitted, even if the spur is unusedEE EE22 22 kk55 kk 66EE CC NN //CC NN //OOIINN OO UU TT-- -- --++ ++ ++AA nn aa lloo gg uu ee AA dd dd rree ss ss aa bb llee LL oo oo ppVV oo lltt--FF rree ee OO uu ttpp uu tt22 33 00 VV RR aa ttee ddSS PP UU RRIINN PP UU TT