96 INSTALLATION AND OPERATION MANUAL 25-16327-B November 2020 www.eaton.comSection 4: AppendixSpur isolator wiring (CSI350)Installation1 Fit the unit in position2 Connect the unit according to the diagram belowote:N A Spur Isolator must be used when making spurs from the analogueaddressable panel loop Without this unit, the self addressing features of thesystem will not function correctly No addressing of the interface is requiredSee control panel operation for detailsStandard connectionsote:N1 Only connect cable screen to its adjacent earth terminal2 For maximum spur length / load see BS5839 Pt1:20023 This unit can only be used with Eaton CAB300 and CDB300/I Sensor bases andcompatible sensorsEEOO UU TTIINNSS PP UU RREEEE-- ----++ ++++AA NN AA LL OO GG UU EEAA DD DD RR EE SS SS AA BB LL EELL OO OO PPNN OO EE NN DD OO FF LL IINN EERR EE SS IISS TT OO RR RR EE QQ UU IIRR EE DD