EATON HP-30 MOTOR SERVICE MANUAL E-MOGG-RR001-E June 2015 15Reassembly(Single and Two Speed Bearingless Motor)1963852749 3 1 5 78 6 2 4 10Figure 7Figure 64.6 Selector plate assembly (For two speedbearingless motor)4.6.1 Apply 1 drop of Loctite 290 in all 10 screw holes inthe selector plate while ensuring that no air is trappedunderneath the droplet. Install the gasket onto the selectorplate. Place the spool housing assembly onto the gasket.Install and torque each of the 10 screws starting in themiddle working outwards using the sequence in Figure 6.Torque each screw to 70 +/- 8 lbf-in.4.7 Final assembly (For two speedbearingless motor)4.7.1 Place drive in build fixture. Place mounting flange (sealgrooves up) over drive.4.7.2 Place Geroler assembly (seal groove up) over mountingflange. Install greased O-ring section seal (139,4 [5.49] ID) inseal groove of Geroler assembly. Align shuttle flow hole ofGeroler with shuttle flow hole of mounting flange.4.7.3 Mark drive teeth that align (See Figure A) with dykem pen.Install valve drive into internal star spline (See Figure B or Cfor motor timing).4.7.4 Install selector plate onto Geroler sub-assembly (selectorplate valve slots up). Align shuttle flow hole of selector platewith shuttle flow hole of Geroler sub-assembly.4.7.5 Install valve onto valve drive and selector plate assembly.Ensure long leakage groove is aligned with marked tooth onvalve drive (see Figure D).4.7.6 Carefully invert valve housing and place onto selector plate.Make sure that shuttle flow holes are aligned.4.7.7 Install nine cap screws lubricated with DTE-26. Pre-torqueeach in a crisscross pattern (see Figure 7) to 80+/-10 lb-ft.Finally, in a crisscross pattern, tighten screws to105+/-5 lb-ft.Mark any teeth Mark two teeth thatalignFigure A (Mark aligning teeth)Orient Mark to theright of lobecenterline forStandard RotationFigure C (Timing -Reverse Rotation)Figure B (Timing -Standard Rotation)Figure D (ValveOrientation)Orient Mark tothe left of lobecenterline forReverse RotationAlign Mark on ValveDrive with long leakageslot on Valve