Eaton Current-Limiting Reactor (2500A) Installation Manual P-164001115—Rev 02 13!IMPORTANTPower wiring and grounding must comply with NEC and applicable local codes.There are ABCNG power connections on both the left and right sides of the unit. Utility or other input power isconnected on one side and output on the other side, but the sides can be reversed. The Aggregate Reactordoes not have directional power flow. Phase rotation is not critical with single-phase reactors.Figure 9. Power ConnectionsAll Views with Panels RemovedN GC1 B1 A1Left Side Power Connections From Section 7 Current-Limiting Reactor 2500A DrawingsLeft Side Right Side44..33 WWiirriinngg tthhee PPTT110000 SSeennssoorrThe Current-Limiting Reactor has a PT100 sensor installed in the reactor coil. The front upper panel of theCurrent-Limiting Reactor cabinet has a compartment with terminal blocks that are wired to the sensor. Allwiring from the sensor to the terminal blocks is wired to the bottom of the terminal blocks at the factory.Customer’s installers wire to the terminal blocks from overhead. Reference the PT100 sensor schematic on thefollowing page. Installers must make their own cable-entry panel cut-outs.Remove the cover plate to the terminal block compartment by turning the (2) side screws 1/4 turn.Power Cabling