I.L. 29-889APage 222. Place the “TEST AMPS” selector switch (See Fig.9) in either the “6T” (or “GFT”) position.Press and release the (Black) “TEST” push-button(See Fig. 9) — the test starts when the push-buttonis released and the elapsed time is displayed in thewindow.At least one of the various protection settings willbe less than “6x ln”, and the circuit breaker will trip,the LED related to that function will light “RED”,and the reason for TRIP code will appear in the dis-play window. (See Table 3 for Code meanings.) Ifthe “STEP” push-button is pressed and released atthis point, the “TEST” current value will be shown inthe display window, not the actual current flowing inthe breaker.Reset the Trip Unit by pressing and releasing the‘Trip Reset” push-button (See Fig. 9). All LEDslighted by the Trip” test action should turn “OFF”,and the display window will again show the value ofcurrent flowing in the breaker.tery is replaced (or after an Auxiliary Power Module isplugged into the Trip Unit), one or more of the cause ofTrip LED’s may be illuminated. It is necessary to pressand release the “TRIP RESET” button to turn off any ofthe LEDs that may be illuminated. Failure to do so cancause the battery to run down again. The Trip Unit willthen be ready to indicate the next cause of trip.Note: The battery can be replaced at any time, evenwhile the circuit breaker is in service, without affect-ing the operation of the circuit breaker or its protec-tion function.3.4.CAUTIONCARE SHOULD BE EXERCISED WHEN REPLACINGTHE BATTERY TO INSURE THAT THE CORRECTPOLARITY IS OBSERVED. POLARITY MARKINGSARE VISIBLE ON THE RATING PLUG WHEN THEHINGED COVER IS OPEN AS INDICATED IN FIG. 4. IFTHE BATTERY IS INSERTED WITH INCORRECTPOLARITY, AND IF THE 120 VAC CONTROL POWERTO THE POWER RELAY MODULE IS LOST, THEN,AFTER AN OVER CURRENT OR SHORT-CIRCUITTRIP, NO LEDS WILL BE LIGHTED RED TO INDICATETHE REASON FOR THE TRIP.The replacement battery should be the same type orequivalent. Acceptable 3.0 volt lithium batteries may beobtained from the following companies under the typedesignation indicated:CompanyVarta Batteries, Inc.150 Clarbrook RoadElmsford, NY 10523DuracellSouth BroadwayTarrytown, NY 10591(914) 591-7000Sanyo Electric Inc.Battery Div.200 Riser RoadLittle Ferry, NJ 076435.4.5 Testing the Back-up Battery (Inside the RatingPlug)The battery has no part in the protection function of theTrip Unit.The battery is provided only to maintain the “RED” LEDindication of the cause of TRIP in the Digitrip RMS 910Trip Unit, when external control power to the Power/RelayModule is not available. The battery is located in the rat-ing plug along with a battery check push-button and agreen battery check LED. (See Fig. 4.)TypeCR 1/3N4.5.1 Back-up Battery CheckThe battery is a long life, lithium photo type unit. The sta-tus of the battery can be checked at any time. Press andhold the “battery check” push-button and observe the“Green” LED as shown in Fig. 4. If the battery check LEDdoes not light “Green”, replace the battery. The conditionof the battery has no effect on the protection function ofthe Trip Unit. Even with the battery removed, the unit willstill trip the breaker in accordance with its settings. Ifhowever, control power is lost and the battery is dead, thecause of TRIP LED will not be lighted “RED”.DL 1/3NCR 1/3N5.0 COMMUNICATIONSOne of the most important functions of the Digitrip RMS910 Trip Unit is its ability to communicate both informa-tion and control signals via the Cutler-Hammer Inc. pro-prietary INtegrated COMmunications (INCOM®) LocalArea Network (LAN). INCOM® interconnects micropro-4.5.2 Replacing the Back-up BatteryThe battery can be easily replaced from the front of theTrip Unit by lowering the hinged cover of the rating plugas shown in Fig. 4. The battery can then be removed bypulling the battery tab as shown in Fig. 4. After the bat-F:T*N Effective May 1997