I.L. 29-889A Page 33Relay Contact, or reset the Trip unit remotely byINCOM® . (See Section 5.9.)After making sure you have a record of all pertinentinformation stored in the Trip Unit memory, resetthe Trip Unit by pressing and releasing the “TripReset” push-button.(Lower right corner of the TripUnit, see Fig. 1.) All coded messages, values ofcurrent in the display window memory, and causeof trip LEDs will turn “OFF”, while the RemoteAlarm Contacts of the signal relay in the Power/Relay Module will reset (open).Following any corrective actions and / or inspec-tions of the circuit breaker and related equipment,re-close the circuit breaker to restore power to theload circuit.5.• The Long Delay LED (Fig. 1) begins to flash “On” and“Off”.• The message “LDPU” begins to flash in the displaywindow when the current value exceeds lrCASE 2 - Instantaneous Trip OperationInstantaneous Current (Pick-up) Setting = 8 x ln = 8000 AAssume a 12 kA fault occurs.Following the TRIP operation, the following will occur:6.• The Instantaneous Trip LED will turn “On” (see Fig. 1).• The coded message “INST” will appear in the DisplayWindow (see Fig. 1).• The Short-Circuit Relay in the Power / Relay Module(see Figs. 2, 5 and Section 1.4) will operate to closethe Remote Short-Circuit Trip Alarm contact.Operator ActionsObserve the mode of trip LED and the “INST” mes-sage in the Display Window.Press and release the “STEP” push-button to viewcurrent values “lA”, “lB”, “lc” and “lG” or “lD” in thedisplay window.Note: The phase current value displayed will be thatidentified by the “green” LED (see Fig. 1) that isturned “On”. (But, the first value you see may not befor the faulted phase.)Each value of phase current appearing in the DisplayWindow, is the value at the time the trip operationwas initiated.RECORD all Values of interest; note which “RED”LEDs are lighted BEFORE resetting the Trip Unit.The value of one phase current in display window(see Fig. 1) will have been the 12.0 kA fault level.NOTE: Had the level of the fault current been morethan 28 x ln (or 28 kA in this example) when the rea-son for trip message would be cleared (by pushingthe “STEP” button), Instead of the numerical value ofcurrent in kA, the “ORNG” code is displayed to showthe current level exceeded maximum range of cur-rent sensor accuracy.'NEffective May 1997