I.L.29-889APage 8Arepeatpressand releaseof“Step”pushbuttonwillpro-ceedto thefourGreenLEDs thatidentifyPeak PowerDemand(MW), PresentPowerDemand(MW),EnergyDemand(MWh),andPowerFactor(PF).Thenextpressandreleaseof“Step”push-button willshowthe (THD)forphase(lA)current.Noticethatboththegreen LEDs(THD)and(lA)are illuminated.Repeating“Step”push-button operationwill show(THD) values for(lB)and(lc)currents.Repeating pressand release one more timewillsequence backfrom the(THD)of(lc)tothe (kA)cur-rentof(lA).SeeSection1.2.1.4fordisplayingperhar-monicdata.TABLE2 -DIGITRIP RMS910INFORMATIONFUNCTIONST r i pU n i tT Y P ER M SD I G I T R I P9 1 0S SS99 923333L L LISSs ss999456333L L LISSGGl1R e f e rt oI.LS e c t i o nN u m b e rC a t a l o gN u m b e riGS u f f i xN u m b e r9 19 29 3 9 49 59 6I n s t r u c t i o nL e a f l e tN o.I.L2 9-8 8 94-C h a r a c t e rL E DD i s p l a yX X XX X X12C u r r e n tV a l u e s: h a s eAC u r r e n t[l a](k A)P h a s eBC u r r e n t[l b](k A)P h a s eCC u r r e n t[l c](k A)X X XX X XX X XX X XX X XX X XG r o u n d C u r r e n t[I g](k A)N e u t r a lC u r r e n t[I d](k A)X X X1.2.1.1Instrumentation-Current ValuesDuringthe normal service conditions,withthe circuitbreakerclosed,the Digitrip 910serves asanammeter,displaying theindividual phase currents (lA,lB,lc) andgroundcurrent(lG)orthefourth pole(neutral)current(lD), providedthecircuit breakerissetup for ground orfourth pole protection.Current values are displayedinkA.Thevaluedisplayedis current inthepole(or ground)indi-catedbythe“Green”LED that is turned“On”. Pressandreleasethe(Black)“STEP”push-buttontoview theval-uesofcurrent inthe otherphases.(SeeFig. 1.)Therange,accuracyandwaveshapeparametersforcurrentvalues displayedare:RANGE:0t o9.999kAiflnx<1000AO t o99.99 kA ifln>1000AASSUMES:5%<Current<100%ofFrameRating forSeries C®R-Frame orTypeSPB circuitbreaker.or5%<Current<100%of[Current]SensorRating for TypeDS circuit breaker.ACCURACY:±±2%ofFrameRating for SeriesC®R-FrameorType SPB circuitbreakers,or±±2%of[Current]Sensor Rating forTypeDS circuit breaker.1.21.1nn n1.2.1.2V o l t a g eV a l u e s:P h a s e[V A B](v o l t s)P h a s e[V B C](v o l t s)P h a s e[V C A](v o l t s)X X XX X XX X XX X XX X XX X XP o w e r.P o w e rF a c t o ra n dE n e r g yV a l u e s:12 . 1.3X X XX X XX X XX X XX X XX X XP e a kP o w e rD e m a n d(M W)P r e s e n tP o w e rD e m a n d(M W)R e v e r s eP o w e rF l o wX X X X X X12 . 13P o w e rF a c t o rX X XX X XX X XX X XE n e r g yC o n s u m p t i o n(M W h)R e v e r s eE n e r g yC o n s u m p t i o n1 . 2.13H a r m o n i cC u r r e n t s:1 . 214T o t a lH a r m o n i cD i s t o r t i o n[T H D]P e rH a r m o n i cX X XX X XX X XX X XT A B L E3L o c a lM e s s a g e s:D I S C=D i s c r i m i n a t o r T r i pE X T T=E X T e r n a lT r i pG N D T=G r o u N DT r i pXXX X XX X XX X XX X XX XX X XX X XH I L D=H i g hL o a D A l a r mI N S T=I N S t a n t a n e o u sT r i pL D P U=L o n g-T i m eD e l a yP i c k-U pXXX X XX X XX X X X X XX X XL D T=L o n g-T i m eD e l a yT r i pN P O W=N e g a t i v eP O W e rf l o wO R I D=O v e r R I D eT r i p1 111 11X X XX X XX XX X XX X XX XO R N G=O v e r R a N G e T r i pP L U G=R a t i n gP L U GP r o b l e mS D T=S h o r t-T i m eD e l a yT r i pX X XX X XT E M P=O v e r T E M P e r a t u r eT r i pT E S T=T E S T r e a d yt ob e g i nX X XX X XTABLE3LEGEND:X=FunctionIncludedn=CircuitBreakermustbeequippedfor NeutralProtection1=n/a forTypeDSBreakers1.2.1.2Instrumentation- VoltageValuesDuring the normal service conditions,with thecircuitbreaker closed,the Digitrip 910 servesas a voltmeterdisplaying the breaker’s phase tophase voltages(VAB),(VBC),and(VCA). The range and accuracy for the voltagevalues displayed are:RANGE: 100 to 600VACRMS-3 PhaseACCURACY:± 2%of Full RangeVoltsEffective May 1997