INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS11TERMINAL ASSIGNMENTS AND FUNCTIONS#1 - BYPASS PRESET 1 INPUTConnecting this terminal to DC Common causesthe counter to ignore Preset 1. When the counterreaches Preset 1, Transistor Output 1 remains offand any other functions (such as auto recycle atOutput 1) will not occur.NOTE:In the sequential mode, this input must beenergized before the counter starts count-ing to or from preset 1 for bypass to occur.#2 AND 3 - TRANSISTOR OUTPUT UNLATCHINPUTSThese two terminals are programmable inputswhich may be used to unlatch any two of the threetransistor outputs. Function code 49 is used toselect which output is unlatched by each input(see Figure 21). When an Unlatch input is ener-gized, the selected output turns off. If the output isalready off, the Unlatch input has no effect. If theoutput has been reversed the Unlatch input turnsthe output on.#4 - BYPASS PRESET 2 INPUTThis input operates the same as #1 above exceptit applies to Preset 2 and Transistor Output 2.#5 AND 8 - TRANSISTOR OUTPUT 1These outputs are open collector NPN transistorswith built-in transient overvoltage protection in theform of zener diode clamping. Each transistor israted at 30 Vdc maximum and can sink up to 300milliamps. Both transistors turn on as shown inFigure 3 for Output 1.#6 AND 9 - TRANSISTOR OUTPUT 2These outputs have the same configuration as #5and 8 above except that they turn on as shown inFigure 3 for Output 2.#8, 9, 12 AND 21 - DC COMMONThese terminals are internally connected to thenegative side of the DC power supply.#10 AND 14 - COUNT INPUTSThese two count inputs are used to increment ordecrement the counter. Terminal #14 is labeled“COUNT INPUT 1” and terminal #10 is “COUNTINPUT 2.” The table shown in Figure 7 lists theoperation of the two count inputs as related to thecount function, and indicates how each inputcauses the counter to operate when a DC Com-mon signal is applied.#11 AND 13 - LOW FREQUENCY SELECTINPUTSWhen contact closures are used for countsources, it must be remembered that the contactswill bounce slightly each time they close. Thisslight bounce can cause extra counts to beentered into the counter. This effect can be elimi-nated by limiting the allowable frequency responseat the count inputs. The low frequency select ter-minals reduce the count input frequency responsefrom 7500 PPS to 150 PPS when they are con-nected to DC Common. Terminal #13 is LOWFREQUENCY SELECT for COUNT INPUT 1 (ter-minal #14) and terminal #11 is LOW FREQUENCYSELECT for COUNT INPUT 2 (terminal #10). Lowfrequency is selected by placing a jumper betweenterminal #11 and/or terminal #13 and DC Com-mon. Use the Low Frequency inputs wheneverpossible to guard against electrical noise andinterference.#15 - PROGRAM INHIBIT INPUTThe PROGRAM INHIBIT terminal, when con-nected to DC Common through the use of ajumper, prevents all of the programming functionsfrom being changed. Modification of the Presetvalues can also be prevented with this jumper ifFunction Code 41, Preset Lock, is set to a valueother than “0.”