TROUBLESHOOTING43Auto RecyclePress the “FUNCTION” key, press “81”, then press“ENTER”. The display should indicate “0”. Pressthe “1” key, then “ENTER”. The display shouldshow “1”, blank for one half second, then remainlit. Press the “COUNT” key, the display should indi-cate “0” and the COUNT indicator lit. Make amomentary connection between terminals #10 and#12 five times. You should hear output relay K1activate and the display should show “0”.Power OutageDisconnect the AC power. You should hear relayK1 release.INTERNAL DIAGNOSTICSThe control has several internal diagnostic rou-tines which allow it to self-test various operationalcharacteristics. When power is applied, the controltests its memory to determine if it has retained allof the values and function code parameters previ-ously entered. It also tests to insure that all of theinternal memory is functional. During these self-tests, the display is blanked. Since the tests areperformed very quickly, the user usually does notnotice the short delay on power-up.The user also has the ability to initiate the controlself-test diagnostics at any time. Function code 40is used to initiate the diagnostics. If the control failsany of the diagnostic routines, either on power-upor upon manual command, the display will flash anumber indicating which of the six self-tests failed.If no failures are found, the control returns auto-matically to normal operation.NOTEThe self-diagnostics should not be per-formed while the process being controlledis running. The control responds to countpulses but ignores any incoming controlsignals while the diagnostics are operat-ing.Description of the DiagnosticsThe diagnostics which are included and theirrelated test numbers are as follows:#1 - ROM (Read Only Memory) 16 Bit Checksum#2 - Internal RAM (Random Access Memory)Bit Test#3 - Non-Volatile RAM Read/Write Bit Test#4 - Non-Volatile RAM Store Test#5 - Non-Volatile RAM 8 Bit Checksum#6 - Watch Dog Timer (1.3 Seconds) TimeoutROM (Read Only Memory) 16 Bit Checksum -Test #1This test determines if the permanent memorywhich controls how the control operates is good.Internal RAM (Random Access Memory) BitTest - Test #2This routine tests the temporary workspace mem-ory used for normal operation and communication.If a failure occurs, the counter may change or losevalues or operating characteristics unexpectedly.Non-Volatile RAM Read/Write Bit Test - Test #3This test checks the memory which permanentlystores the operating characteristics and valueswhen a power outage occurs.Non-Volatile RAM Store Test - Test #4This test insures that the non-volatile memoryaccurately stores and retrieves the programmedoperating characteristics and values upon a poweroutage. If a failure of this type occurs, the counterwill operate correctly but could change its valuesor operating characteristics upon a power failureor power drop-out.,,,, CAUTIONTO INSURE PROPER OPERATION, CHECK ALLFUNCTION CODE VALUES BEFORE STARTINGTHE PROCESS. NOTE THAT A TEMPORARYPOWER INTERRUPTION MAY CHANGE THEVALUES OF FUNCTION CODES DURING THEPROCESS IF TEST #4 HAS FAILED.Non-Volatile RAM 8 Bit Checksum Test -Test #5A checksum test is performed on the non-volatilememory to insure that none of the informationstored was changed while the control was unpow-ered. If this test fails, check all function code val-ues and the values of the counter and preset toinsure they are correct. Then disconnect andreconnect power to perform this test again. If the