OPERATION275. Press the “ENTER” key to store the new data.The display blanks temporarily as the controlstores the information. If the entry is out ofrange for the selected function, the controlmay change the entry to a value in range.6. The next function to be interrogated or modi-fied may be specified. If no additional functionsneed to be selected, the control can bereturned to displaying the current count valueby pressing the “COUNT” key.CHANGING THE PRESET VALUESTo change the value of Preset 1, Preset 2 or Pre-set 3, follow these steps:1. Press the “PRESET 1,” “PRESET 2,” or “PRE-SET 3” key. The display will show the currentvalue for that preset. If the value displayed isthe same as the desired value, proceed to step4.2. Key in the new preset value. Upon pressingthe first key, the current preset value disap-pears and the digit which was pressedappears. Each successive digit displays as it ispressed.3. Press the “ENTER” key. The display blanks fora moment and then redisplays the new preset.This confirms that the new value has beenentered.4. Press the “COUNT” key. The display returns toshowing the current count value.5. If other presets must be entered, return to step1.PREVENTING PRESET MODIFICATIONTo avoid accidental change to the preset values, itis recommended that the ability to change the Pre-sets is inhibited whenever possible.Function code 41, Preset Lock, allows any combi-nation of Presets to be inhibited (see Figure 21).Any Presets selected in Function code 41 cannotbe changed when the Program Inhibit Input isenergized (see “Inhibiting Programming Modifica-tions” below).DISABLING THE FRONT PANEL RESET KEYSelect the Momentary Reset mode (enter “1” infunction 82) and install a jumper from the resetinput (terminal #17) to DC Common. This disablesthe Front Panel Reset key and prevents the opera-tor from accidentally resetting the counter.The jumper may be replaced by a normally closedcontact. In this case the counter is reset externallyby opening and closing this contact.If power is interrupted, the counter is not resetwhen power is reapplied.INHIBITING PROGRAMMING MODIFICATIONSThe function codes and their values may beaccessed and modified whenever the control haspower applied, including times when the processbeing controlled is running.,,,, WARNINGCHANGING FUNCTION CODE VALUESWHILE THE PROCESS IS OPERATINGMAY BE HAZARDOUS TO THE OPERA-TOR AND/OR THE MACHINERY. USEEXTREME CAUTION. WHENEVER POS-SIBLE, STOP THE PROCESS BEFOREATTEMPTING TO MODIFY FUNCTIONCODE VALUES.To avoid accidental change to the function codevalues, it is recommended that the ability tochange them be removed by installing a jumperbetween the PROGRAM INHIBIT terminal and DCCommon on the rear of the control. Wheninstalled, all of the functions may be interrogatedbut not modified.