All programming, information display and general trip unitaccess is accomplished through the use of one or more ofthe following:1. Hand Held Programmer2. Breaker Interface Module3. Remote computerThe breaker tripping system includes a power relay moduleto provide power for the communication function and relayoutputs for alarming (Figure 5). Refer to I.L. 29C891 for moredetailed information on Digitrip OPTIM 750 Trip Units.4.7 Digitrip OPTIM 1050The OPTIM 1050 Trip Unit provides all the same basic sys-tem protection features outlined in Section 4.6 for OPTIM750. In addition, OPTIM 1050 Trip Units are capable of pro-viding data on power quality and permit energy monitoring.Energy Monitoring1. Peak demand (kW)2. Present demand (kW)3 Forward energy (kWh)4. Reverse energy (kWh)5. Total energy (kWh)6. Power factorPower Quality1. Percentage harmonic content2. Total harmonic distortion (THD)TerminalBlockTypicalCurrentSensorRatingPlugProtectionFunctionSettingsTypical Trip Unit Trip ActuatorTypical DSII TypeCircuit BreakerSensors** Alternate ground locationsmay be required to meetinstallation requirementsFigure 6 Typical Schematic Diagram of Basic Connections in Tripping System of DSII Circuit BreakerEffective July 2010Instructional Leaflet IL8700C39-0411eaTOn CORPORaTIOn