Figure 3 Interchangeable Rating Plugs for Use with Digi-trip RMS Trip UnitsIf the rating plug is removed from the trip unit while the cir-cuit breaker is closed, the circuit breaker may trip. Therefore,the rating plug must be securely tightened before operatingthe breaker.4.0 Digitrip RMS Model Consider-ationsThe trip unit contains a receptacle for use with an AuxiliaryPower Module (Cat. No. PRTAAPM). When this module is inplace on the trip unit and connected to a 120V 50/60Hz sup-ply, a circuit breaker with a Digitrip RMS Trip Unit assemblyinstalled can be bench tested using the integral test panel.With the circuit breaker in the closed position, it can be“tripped” when the test selector switch is in either the “6T”or “GFT” positions.With the Auxiliary Power Module installed, the circuitbreaker can also be field tested using secondary currentsprovided by an Amptector Trip Unit test kit as illustrated inI.L. 33-791. Detailed instructions for testing trip units aregiven in the individual trip unit instruction leaflets referencedin Section 8.1. CauTIONONly ampTECTOr TEsT kIT sTylEs 140D481g02r, 140D481g02rrOr 140D481g03 IN CONJuNCTION wITh a DIgITrIp aDapTEr(sTylE 8779C02g01) shOulD BE usED. uNmODIfIED ampTECTOrTEsT kITs sTylEs 140D481g01 aND 140D481g02 shOulD NOT BEusED TO TEsT BrEakErs wITh DIgITrIp rms TrIp uNITs asDamagE TO ThE TrIp may OCCur.Power Relay Module(not provided on 510)Digitrip RMSTrip UnitRating PlugAuxiliary PowerModuleReceptacleDisconnect Plugfor BreakerDielectric TestingField Test KitReceptacleTerminal BlockAuxiliary CurrentTransformerAssemblyPotential Trans-former Module(810, 910 and1050 only)Figure 4 Trip Unit Assembly with Digitrip RMS Trip Unit and Associated Components Installed on BreakerEffective July 2010Instructional Leaflet IL8700C39-045eaTOn CORPORaTIOn