Table 2. In general, plug ratings are available down through50% of the current sensor rating.The selection of available current sensors and rating plugscoupled with the wide range of long-delay current pick-upsettings available on the Digitrip Trip Unit makes one set ofsensors suitable for a number of current ratings. The DigitripTrip Unit protection function settings are standard, and areusable with standard sensors of any rating, up to the framerating of the circuit breaker.If sensors are changed because of changing load conditions,etc., it is only necessary to replace the rating plug and read-just the Digitrip Trip Unit protection function settings to thenew desired values.To insure the non-tampering of selected protection settings,a sealable plexiglass cover as shown in Figure 1 is provided.The cover is held in place by four cover screws. The non-tam-pering feature is insured by the insertion of a standard meterseal through the holes in two of the cover retention screws.5.6 Potential Transformer ModuleThe Potential Transformer Module (PTM) is supplied withthe Digitrip RMS 810, 910 and OPTIM 1050 Trip Units. It ismounted on the side of the Trip Assembly as shown in Fig-ures 4 and 5. The PTM’s primary is connected to the circuitbreaker’s bottom end conductors. This module provides volt-age for computing the energy monitoring parameters.The PTM disconnect plug is mounted above the PTM asshown in Figure 4. This plug must be disconnected prior toany dielectric testing of the circuit breaker. warNINgDO NOT aTTEmpT TO pErfOrm DIElECTrIC (Or hIgh pOT OrhIgh VOlTagE) wIThsTaND TEsTs ON ThE CIrCuIT BrEakErwhIlE ThE pOTENTIal TraNsfOrmEr mODulE DIsCONNECTplug Is CONNECTED. DEaTh Or sEVErE pErsONal INJury mayrEsulT aND ThE pOTENTIal TraNsfOrmEr mODulE aND TrIpuNIT wIll BE DamagED.rEmOVE ThE pTm DIsCONNECT plug prIOr TO pErfOrmINgaNy DIElECTrIC (Or hIgh pOT Or hIgh VOlTagE) wIThsTaNDTEsTs. rEplaCE ThE plug afTEr all TEsTINg Is COmplETEDaND prIOr TO ClOsINg ThE BrEakEr as pEr ThE EsTaBlIshEDOpEraTINg prOCEDurEs.6.0 Testing6.1 Functional Field TestingA functional local test of a major portion of the Digitrip’selectronic circuitry and breaker’s mechanical trip assemblycan be verified using the trip unit’s test receptacle. The test-ing can verify the desired trip settings by performing LongDelay, Short Delay and Ground Fault functional tests. TheDigitrip model and its associated Test Kit/Auxiliary PowerModule requirements are listed in Table Secondary Injection TestingThe circuit breaker has a field test kit receptacle that can beused for secondary injection testing to test Digitrip RMS orDigitrip OPTIM Trip Units (Figure 4). With the Auxiliary PowerModule installed, the circuit breaker can be tested using sec-ondary currents provided by an Amptector Trip Unit test kitas illustrated in I.L. 33-791. Detailed instructions for testingtrip units are given in the individual trip unit instruction manu-als referenced in Section 8.1.Table 5 Digitrip Functional Testing HardwareDigitrip Model Testing HardwareDigitrip RMS 510, 610, Test Kit810 and 910 (Style No. 140D481G03)Test Kit Adapter(Style No. 8779C02G01)Auxiliary Power Module(Catalog No. PRTAAPM)Digitrip OPTIM OPTIMizer Hand Held Programmer(Catalog No. OPTIMIZER)Breaker Interface Module(Catalog No. BIM)Test Kit(Style No. 140D481G03)Test Kit Adapter(Style No. 8779C02G01)Auxiliary Power Module(Catalog No. PRTAAMP)Effective July 2010Instructional Leaflet IL8700C39-0415eaTOn CORPORaTIOn