www.powerware.com 1.800.356.5794SERVICES SUMMARY (continued)TIME AND MATERIAL SERVICE RATE SCHEDULEThe following rate schedule applies to all services rendered on non-contracted and non-warranty equipment and to all services performed on contractedequipment where the service performed is outside the scope of the contracted coverage.Standard Service Rates1. LaborA. Business Hours Service $178 per hour8 AM – 5 PM; Mon-FriB. Evenings, Weekends $288 per hourHolidays2. Materials/Spare Parts Current List PriceShipping: ActualMinimum billing:$100 Domestic$250 International, plus freight3. Minimum Billing UPS and Power System UPS and Power SystemEquipment below 200kVA Equipment 200kVA and aboveor Multi ModuleA. Five day or less response 4 hour minimum charge 6 hour minimum chargeB. Two day or less response Not applicable 8 hour minimum charge4. Calculation of Charges Portal to Portal (travel time and mileage)5. Travel Transportation: Automobile $0.70 per mileAll others: Actual6. Living Lodging & Meals: ActualCar rental: ActualMisc. (tolls, etc.): Actual7. Parts Expedite Fees M-F, Eastern Time: $100M-F, After Hours: $250Weekends and Holidays: $400Freight – FOB Factory: ActualSame Day Delivery: $150 + Actual Freight8. Depot Repair Labor $110 per hourMinimum Billing: $110Expediting Fee: $100