9www.powerware.com 1.800.356.5794POWERWARE BLADEUPS SERVICE PRICING (USA)BladeUPS BladeUPSUPS Model 12 kVA 60 kVACoverage orInstallation and Start-Up Services Response2 List Prices Per YearOn-site Start-Up and Training 5x8 5x8 $1,405 $1,815(SOW L-3 or PDU-1) P/N SU06C-BLAD12 SU06C-BLAD60On-site Start-Up and Training 7x24 7x24 $1,860 $2,350P/N SU05C-BLAD12 SU05C-BLAD60-50% discount on additional unit Start-Ups (first unit 100%) at same siteSupport AgreementsPowerTrust Service Plan 8hr $2,250 $3,370(7x24 on-site UPS electronics/battery parts P/N PT82C-BLAD12 PT82C-BLAD60and labor coverage, annual 5x8 UPS and 4hr $2,725 $3,865battery PM, eNotify remote UPS and battery P/N PT42C-BLAD12 PT42C-BLAD60monitoring; 15% discount on upgrades 2hr $3,275 $4,640and apre part kits) (SOW R-18) P/N PT22C-BLAD12 PT22C-BLAD60PowerTrust VALUE Service Plan 5x8 NBD $1,575 $2,360(5x8 on-site UPS electronics/battery parts P/N PVN3C-BLAD12 PVN3C-BLAD60and labor coverage, next business dayresponse, annual 5x8 UPS PM, eNotify remoteUPS and battery monitoring) (SOW R-27)PowerTrust EXPRESS Service Plan Depot $850 $1,450(Depot UPS parts and labor repair or P/N PEN3C-BLAD12 PEN3C-BLAD60replace coverage, advance swap, nextbusiness day shipping, eNotify remote UPSand battery monitoring) (SOW R-28)Extended Battery Module Replacement Depot $475 $475Coverage, per EBM P/N BRO9C-BLADEBM BRO9C-BLADEBM(Adds replacement coverage for EBM 3U On-Site $650 $650cabinets and batteries; requires a P/N BR07C-BLADEBM BR07C-BLADEBMPowerTrust contract; shipping is ground)UPS and Battery Preventive MaintenanceSpecial BladeUPS combined 5x8 $900 $1,350UPS and battery PM (SOW R-2) P/N 0006C-BLAD12 0006C-BLAD607x24 $1,250 $1,500P/N 0005C-BLAD12 0005C-BLAD601. Part numbers (P/N) are based on services sold concurrently with product purchase; if service is sold non-concurrently, change digit 5 to "N"2. 4 and 2 hour response is limited availability (major markets) call 800-843-9433 to verify3. Bundled PMs with PowerTrust plans cannot be deleted4. Coverage for BladeUPS warranty and service plans INCLUDES battery replacement coverage. Labor cvg (digit 4) based on the underlying UPS contract or warranty cvg; if no plan is purchased5. Blade UPS warranty is 1 year parts and labor, depot repair or replace, with registration at www.powerware.com6. For commissionable transactions only, start-up services cannot be sold below a .80 multiplierPOWERWARE BLADEUPS SPARE PARTSDescription Part Dimensions ListNumber (H x W x D, inches) PricePowerware BladeUPS Power Module 103005991-5501 13.0 x 10.0 x 30.0 $3,240Replacement Battery Tray 103005977-5591 7.0 x 8.0 x 30.0 $408SERVICE PLANSThree-phase