5Instruction Leaflet IL29C204IEffective October 2011Installation Instructions for Motor Operator for3- and 4-Pole ND, NB, NC, MD, MA, MC TypeCircuit Breakers and Molded Case SwitchesEATON CORPORATION www.eaton.com3. OPERATIONNote: The motor operator does not permit a breakerhandle to indicate its “TRIP” position. If it is desir -able that the trip position be indicated, the breakermay be equipped with bell alarm contacts which“MAKE” or “BREAK” upon automatic trip operation.Contacts may be wired to an external light or otherindicating device to then indicate trip.CAUTIONMAKE SURE THAT ALL SENSITIVE EQUIPMENTBREAKER IS DISCONNECTED BEFORE OPERATINGTHE MOTOR OPERATOR. SWITCHING OPERATIONSCIALLY EQUIPMENT REQUIRING A CONTROLLEDSHUTDOWN.COULD CAUSE DAMAGE TO EQUIPMENT - ESPE-Electrical OperationTo check the electrical operation use the remote momen-tary “ON” and “OFF” control devices, and perform the fol-lowing steps: (refer to Fig. 2- 2)3-1. Pull up the setting pin and slide the locking arm(white line) to the Electrical Operation mode,(Figs. 3-1 and 3- 2).3-2. Energizing the “OFF” push button will cause thebreaker to go to its “OFF” position.3-3. Energizing the “ON” push button will cause thebreaker to go to its “ON” position.3 -4. Press the “PUSH -TO - TRIP” button (see Fig. 3-1);verify that the breaker trips. Energizing the “OFF”button, motor operator will “RESET” the breaker.Note: DO NOT use maintain type control switches.Manual Operation3-5. Pull up the setting pin and slide the locking arm(white line) to the Manual Operation mode. In thismode electrical power to the motor is cut off(Figs. 3-1 and 3- 3).CAUTIONIF BREAKER IS TRIPPED WHEN OFF, MOTOR OPER-ATOR MUST BE RECYCLED TO ON, THEN RESETBREAKER WITH UVR DE-ENERGIZED.PLIED WITH BREAKER, DO NOT OPERATE THE3- 6. Using the “HANDLE EXTENSION” to operate themotor operator mechanism, throw to the “ON” andFF” positions.3- 7. Press the “PUSH- TO- TRIP” button to trip the circuitbreaker, and verify that the breaker has tripped.Throw the “HANDLE EXTENSION” to the extreme“OFF” position. This should “RESET” the breaker.Lock - off3- 8. Pull up the setting pin and slide the locking arm(white line) to the Manual Operation mode.motor operator cannot be locked off while it is inthe “ON” position.Power - offThe electrical supply to the motor will be automaticallycut off when the cover is removed, and also when usingManual Operation (see paragraph 3- 5).4. ADJUSTMENTThe following procedures describe the adjustment of themotor operator limit switches if necessary:Note: The motor operator has been adjusted at thefactory. Before attempting to adjust the motor opera -tor, verify that a 5 kVA Power Source for 48 Vdc, 24Vdc ratings and a 1 kVA Power Source for other rat -ings are being used, and that all installation instruc -tions have been followed. Verify that the circuitbreaker can be operated without the motor operator.Under standard conditions the factory settingsshould not require field adjustments.CONNECTED TO THE LOAD SIDE OF THE CIRCUIT(OFF), AND BACK TO ON.IF )RVU(ESAELEREGATLOVREDNUNA IS SUP-3 - 9. Turn the locking arm 90 degrees to the “LOCK-OFF” position (Fig. 3- 4) and insert up to 3 padlocks.The