IM02601006E B-10IQ 150S/250S B: Modbus Map• Records Used: The number of re cords stored in the log. This number will equal the Max Recordswhen the log has filled. This value will be set to 1 when the log is reset. The data type is anunsigned integer from 1 - 2^32.NOTE: The first record in every log before it has rolled over is a "dummy" record, filled with all0xFF's. When the log is filled and rolls over, this record is overwritten.• Record Size: The number of bytes in this record, including the timestamp. The data type is anunsigned integer in the range of 14 - 242.• Log Availability: A flag indicating if the log is available for retrieval, or if it is in use by anotherport.0 Log Available for retrieval1 Not used2 In use by COM2 (RS485)0xFFFF Log Not Available - the log cannot be retrieved.This indicates that the log is disabled.NOTE: To query the port by which you are currently connected, use the Port ID register:Register: 0x1193Size: 1 registerDescription: A value from 1-4, which enumerates the port that the requestor is currently con-nected on.NOTES:• When Log Retrieval is engaged, the Log Availability value will be set to the port that engagedthe log. The Log Availability value will stay the same until either the log has been disen-gaged, or 5 minutes have passed with no activity. It will then reset to 0 (available).• Each log can only be retrieved by one port at a time.• Only one log at a time can be retrieved.• First Timestamp: Timestamp of the oldest record.