IM02601006E D-3IQ 250S D: DNP MapD.5: Error ReplyIn the case of an unsupported function, or any ot her recognizable error, an error reply is generatedfrom the IQ 250S meter to the Primary station (the requester). The Internal Indicator field willreport the type of error: unsupported function or bad parameter.The broadcast acknowledge and restart bit are also si gnaled in the Internal Indicator field, but theydo not indicate an error condition.D.6: IQ 250S Meter’s DNP Register MapObject 10 - Binary Output StatesObject 12 - Control Relay OutputsObject Point Var Description Format Range Multiplier Units Comments10 0 2 Reset EnergyCountersBYTE Always 1 N/A None Read by Class 0 or withqualifier 0, 1, 2, or 610 1 2 Change toModbus RTUProtocolBYTE Always 1 N/A None Read by Class 0 or withqualifier 0, 1, 2, or 610 2 2 Reset DemandCntrs (Max /Min )BYTE Always 1 N/A None Read by Class 0 or withqualifier 0, 1, 2, or 6Object Point Var Description Format Range Multiplier Units Comments12 0 1 Reset EnergyCountersN/A N/A N/A none Responds to Function 5(Direct Operate), Quali-fier Code 17x or 28x,Control Code 3, Count 0,On 0 msec, Off 1 msecONLY.12 1 1 Change toModbus RTUProtocolN/A N/A N/A none Responds to Function 6(Direct Operate - NoAck), Qualifier Code17x, Control Code 3,Count 0, On 0 msec, Off1 msec ONLY.12 2 1 Reset DemandCounters (Max/ Min)N/A N/A N/A none Responds to Function 5(Direct Operate), Quali-fier Code 17x or 28x,Control Code 3, Count 0,On 0 msec, Off 1 msecONLY.