IM02601006E B-18IQ 150S/250S B: Modbus Mapi.. Read the contents of the specific logs' status block [0xC737+, 16 reg] (see LogHeaders).ii. Store the # of Records Used, the Record Size, and the Log Availability.iii. If the Log Availability is not 0, stop Log Retrieval; this log is not available at thistime. If Log Availability is 0, proceed to step 1b (Engage the log).This step is done to ensure that the log is available for retrieval, as well as retrieving infor-mation for later use.b. Engage the log: write log to engage to Log Number, 1 to Enable, and the desired mode toScope (default 0 (Normal)) [0xC34F, 1 reg]. This is best done as a single-register write.This step will latch the first (oldest) record to index 0, and lock the log so that only this portcan retrieve the log, until it is disengaged.c. Verify the log is engaged: read the contents of the specific logs' status block [0xC737+, 16reg] again to see if the log is engaged for the current port (see Log Availability). If the Log isnot engaged for the current port, repeat step 1b (Engage the log).d. Write the retrieval information.i. Compute the number of records per window, as follows:RecordsPerWindow = (246 \ RecordSize)• If using 0x23, set the repeat count to 2-8. Otherwise, set it to 1.• Since we are starting from the beginning for retrieval, the fi rst record index is0.ii. Write the Records per window, the Number of repeats (1), and Record Index (0)[0xC350, 3 reg].This step tells the IQ 250S meter what data to return in the window.2. Retrieve the records:a. Read the record index and window: read the record index, and the data window [0xC351,125 reg].