Effective October 2013Supersedes August 2013Instructional Booklet IB02601010EIQ35M-ENC enclosureinstallation guide m DangerHaZarD OF eLeCTrIC SHOCK, eXPLOSIOn, OrarC FLaSH.• Follow saFe electrical work practices.See nFPa 70eT In THe U.S., Or aPPLICabLeLOCaL CODeS• this equipment must only be installed andserviced by qualiFied electrical personnel• read, understand, and Follow theInSTrUCTIOnS beFOre InSTaLLIng THIS PrODUCT• turn oFF all power supplying equipmentbeFore working on or inside the equipment• use a properly rated voltage sensing deviceto conFirm power is oFF. do not depend onTHIS PrODUCT FOr VOLTage InDICaTIOnFailure to Follow these instructions willresult in death or serious injury.A qualified person is one who has skills andknowledge related to the construction andoperation of this electrical equipment and theinstallation, and has received safety training torecognize and avoid the hazards involved—NECT 2011 Article 100.No responsibility is assumed by Eaton forany consequences arising out of the use ofthis material.m nOTICe• this product is not intended For liFe orsaFety applications• do not install this product in hazardousOr CLaSSIFIeD LOCaTIOnS• the installer is responsible ForconFormance to all applicable codes• mount this product inside a suitable FireanD eLeCTrICaL enCLOSUreIQ 35M meter installed; IQ 35M meterand IQ35M-ENC are ordered separately.