25New generation IZM97, 99 low voltage air circuit breaker instruction manual MN013010EN February 2020 www.eaton.com.cnSection 4: Accessory devicesControlvoltagesOperational voltagerange 70-110%Inrush powerconsumptionOpeningtime (ms)24 Vdc48 Vdc110-125 Vdc220-250 Vdc110-127 Vac208-240 Vac17-26 Vdc34-53 Vdc77-138 Vdc154-275 Vdc77-140 Vac146-264 Vac250 W250 W450 W450 W450 VA450 VA404040404040 Required for less than 200 msSpring release—The spring release is an optional device(Figure 4-4). It remotely closes the circuit breaker when thecoil is energized by a voltage input (Table 4.2). The closingspring must be fully charged and the trip latch reset (notheld in the tripped position) for the SR to operate. If thesetwo conditions are not met, the close signal will be ignoreduntil it is removed and re-applied.An optional latch check switch (LCS) can also be installed todelay application of power to the spring release coil until thecircuit breaker is “ready to close.” The LCS will not permitenergization of the spring release until the breaker is fullycharged and the trip latch is reset. Two versions of the LCSare available. One version is wired internally to the shunttrip coil control circuit. On the other version, the LCS switchcontacts are brought out through the secondary contacts forintegration into external control schemes.ote:N Placing the (externally accessible) LCS directly inseries with the ST coil is not recommended as thiswill override the “anti-pump” feature of the electricalcharging/closing system.Figure 4-4 Spring release with optional latch switchTable 4.2 Spring release ratingsFigure 4-5 Undervoltage releaseFigure 4-6 Shunt trip, spring release, and undervoltagerelease installedUndervoltage release—The undervoltage release is anoptional device on both manually and electrically operatedcircuit breakers (Figure 4-5). It opens the circuit breakerwhen its supply voltage falls to between 35–60% of ratedvoltage. If the release is not energized to 85% of its supplyvoltage, the circuit breaker cannot be closed electrically ormanually (Table 4-3).Auxiliary switch—An auxiliary switch is an optional deviceproviding remote electrical indication if the circuit breaker isopen or closed (Figure 4-7). Up to three auxiliary switchescan be mounted in the circuit breaker. Each switch has twonormally open (“a”) and two normally closed (“b”) contactsfor a total of 12 available contacts (Table 4-4).