11EATON LifeSense Wireless System Quick Setup Guide E-HOOV-II002-E July 2014In the Configure Account - Sites screen you will inputinformation to help you identify the site (e.g., truck depot)within a region where the equipment is located. Click Nextafter you have completed filling out each of the required fields.Example:The Contacts and Alerts screen is where you input the listof individuals that should receive alert notifications from theLifeSense system. To add a new contact click the Add button.Clicking the Add button will bring up the contact screenwhere you will input the name and contact information – textmessage and email addresses – as well as selecting the typesof alerts the contact will receive.When inputting a text message address, this will not bethe contact’s mobile phone number, rather it is their mobilenumber along with provider’s syntax for delivering textmessages from devices other than another mobile phone. Ifyou hover the cursor of your mouse over the *Hint text to theright of the Text Msg Address field it will give you examples ofthe proper addresses for several carriers.If a particular cellular service provider/carrier is not listed youmay need to contact their customer service department toobtain their specific text message syntax.Wireless Gateway (HDU)Configuration(LifeSense Installation Wizard)