13EATON LifeSense Wireless System Quick Setup Guide E-HOOV-II002-E July 2014Note: Be sure to have gathered the information listed in theInternet setup portion of the Wireless Setup InformationForm. The NIST and DNS IP addresses as well as the networkinformation needed for the internet connection is critical forthe upcoming steps.In this series of screens you will be entering the networkaddress information for which the wireless gateway (HDU)will be configured to transmit data to the server on which theLifeSense customer web portal resides.Input the NIST and DNS IP addresses that will be used on thenetwork and then select if the wireless gateway (HDU) will beconnecting to the Internet via Wi-Fi or Ethernet.Click Next.Note: DHCP is usable; however, if a company wants toassign a static IP address to the wireless gateway (HDU) thisinformation will need to be acquired from the company’s ITdepartment.Configuring Ethernet ConnectionSelect DHCP or enter the static IP address, route, net maskand Wi-Fi net mode assigned.Click Next.Sensor SettingsEach wireless LifeSense sensor has a ten digit uniqueidentification number located on the top of the sensor. This isso you will know exactly which sensor within the LifeSensesystem is issuing an alert. It’s in the Sensor Settings screenwhere you will input each sensor ID, either manually, or byloading them from a comma delimited file.Manual InputType the unique sensor ID in the given field, then tab over tothe Sensor Location field, and type in a description of wherethe hose assembly is located on the equipment. When allsensors have been inputted click Next.Loading from a FileIf you are loading the sensors from a file click on the “Loadfrom file” button which will bring up a screen from which youcan select a comma delimited file on your computer, or onan external storage device connected to your computer (e.g.,Wireless Gateway (HDU)Configuration(LifeSense Installation Wizard)