Menvier30 InstallationPage 17Connect the lead from the switch to the backtamper connector on the PCB (see 4 in Figure 3).Step 2. Run Bus CablePlease read “Cabling Requirements on page 12.Step 3. Fit and Connect theKeypad(s)Siting the Keypad(s)Do site the keypad(s):Within the area protected by the alarmsystem.At a convenient height and location for theuser.Out of sight of potential intruders.Do NOT site the keypad(s):Next to electronic equipment, particularlycomputers, photocopiers or other radioequipment, CAT 5 data lines or industrialmains equipment.Where the cable run from the control unit willbe longer than 100m (see CableConfiguration and Length).Note: Do not fit any keypad with an internal proxreader closer than one meter to any other type ofprox reader. This includes other keypads withprox readers, external prox readers such as theKEY-EP, or prox readers used by other systems(for example access control systems). If youmount prox readers closer together than onemeter (including on the other side of walls) thenthe two prox readers will interfere and may notwork correctly.Fitting KeypadsSelect which cable entry you are going to use andbreak out the appropriate plastic sections.Use 4mm x 25mm countersunk screws with athread suitable for the wall material in at leastthree fixing holes when mounting the back of thekeypad on the wall.i-KP01If you wish to use a back tamper then drill out thehole for the back tamper using a 7mm bit (seeFigure 26).Figure 26 Screw i-KP01 Back Box to WallKEY-K01/KP01/KPZ01Make sure the backplate is level and mark, drilland plug at least three fixing holes. Screw thebackplate to the wall through the fixing holesusing the M4 screws.Figure 27 Screw KEY-K01/KP01/KPZ01 Back Boxto WallConnectionFigure 28 shows the wiring connections at thekeypad and control unit.Figure 28 Connecting a Keypad to the BusKeypad AddressingThe control unit assigns addresses to all devicesconnected to the bus cable. You must start thisprocess off once all bus devices are connected,