Technical Data Effective: May 1998Page 34TD.44A.01.T.ECutler-HammerMagnum DSMetal-EnclosedLow-Voltage SwitchgearFeatures – BusBuses and Connections — Vertical andcross bus ratings in Magnum DSSwitchgear are based on a UL andANSI standard temperature rise of65∞C above a maximum ambient airtemperature of 40∞C.Bus Ampacities — Vertical and crossbus ratings in Magnum DS are 2000,3200, 4000, and 5000 amperes. In addi-tion, a 6000 ampere cross bus ratingis available.Bus Bracing — Unique vertical busconfiguration provides an optionalindustry leading short circuit withstandrating of 200,000 amperes without theneed for preceding current limitingfuses. Standard bracing is 100,000amperes. The “U” shaped bar is theheart of the Magnum DS vertical bus.This configuration provides a muchhigher mechanical strength. To furtherdemonstrate the strength and rigidityof this bus sustem, it has been verifiedthrough testing to withstand 85,000amperes short circuit for a full 60cycles.Silver Plating — Bolted, silver-platedcopper main buses are standard. Theplating is over the entire length of thebar, not just at the joints. Optional tin-plated copper buses are available.Bus Joints — All joints are bolted andsecured with Belleville-type springwashers for maximum joint integrity.These washers reduce the potential ofjoint hardware loosening during thechange of joint temperature associatedwith variations of the loads.Full Neutral — For 4-wire applicationsthe neutral bus is rated 100% of mainbus rating as standard. Half (50%) neu-trals and neutral ratings up to a maxi-mum of 6000 amperes are available asan option.Ground — A ground bus is furnishedthe full length of the switchgearassembly and is fitted with terminalsfor purchaser’s connections.Glass Reinforced Polyester and Ultra-mid Stand-Off Insulation System —Glass reinforced polyester has beenused on both low- and medium-volt-age switchgear for decades. By com-bining this industry proven materialwith Ultramid insulation, a total systemproviding exceptional mechanical anddielectric withstand strength, as well ashigh resistance to heat, flame, andmoisture, is produced. Substantial test-ing to demonstrate accelerated effectsof heating and cooling on the mechani-cal and dielectric properties of thissystem prove it to provide superiorperformance for decades of trouble-free operation.Optional Conductor InsulationCovering — For applications requiringadditional bus protection in harsh envi-ronments, Magnum DS Switchgear isdesigned for the addition of optionalconductor insulation covering, in addi-tion to providing full UL air clearancewithout insulation. This material isapplied during the assembly of the busand covers all vertical and horizontalphase bus bars. Removable boots pro-vide access to section-to-section busjoints for inspection and maintenancepurposes.Optional Insulated BusBarriers — Optional grounded metalbarriers isolate the main bus and con-nections from the cable compartmentproviding added safety to the workerswhile reducing the potential of objectsfalling into the bus compartment.Optional Bus Compartment Barrierswww . ElectricalPartManuals . com