Technical DataEffective: May 1998 Page 35TD.44A.01.T.ECutler-Hammer Magnum DSMetal-EnclosedLow-Voltage SwitchgearFeatures – WiringCable Compartment — The cable com-partment gives ample room for termi-nating the power cables. Removabletop roof sheets allow for easy conduithub installation. The floor of the cablecompartment is open to allow cableentry from underground duct banks.Optional floor plates are available.Optional grounded metal barriers iso-late the main bus and connectionsfrom the cable compartment, as wellas optional barriers to separate adja-cent cable compartments.In addition to cable, Pow-R-WayBusway and nonsegregated Busductcan be terminated in the compartment.Lug Pad — The lugs are located on thebreaker run-backs to accommodate lugorientations at a 45∞ angle to reducethe bending radius of the cable neededfor making the connections, thusreducing installation and maintenancetime. Mechanical setscrew type lugsare standard. Optional NEMA 2-holecompression lugs are available as anoption.Control Wireway — An isolated verti-cal wireway is provided for routing offactory and field wiring in each switch-gear section. Breaker secondary termi-nal blocks are mounted as standardabove each circuit breaker. The termi-nal blocks are rated 30 amperes andwill accept bare wire, ring or spade ter-minals for wire size ranges of #22 to#10. Extruded loops are punched inside sheets of the vertical wireway toallow securing of customer control wir-ing without the use of adhesive wireanchors.For applications involving excessivewiring, or nonstandard terminalblocks, terminal blocks are mountedon the rear frame with the powercables where they are readily accessi-ble for customer’s connections andinspection.Control WirewayControl Wire — Standard wire is TypeSIS insulated stranded copper, extraflexible No. 14 AWG minimum.Secondary Terminal CompartmentDoor — The customer’s secondary ter-minal connections are located behinda separate door providing access tothese connections without the need toopen the breaker compartment door.Secondary Control TerminalsShort Circuiting Terminal Blocks —One provided for each set of instru-mentation or relaying application cur-rent transformers.Shipping Split Connection — At eachshipping split, the control connectionsare made with plug-in terminal blocksrated 600 volts, 40 amperes. The ter-minal blocks interlock mechanicallywithout removing the line or load con-nections. This method of making theshipping split control connectionsincreases the speed of installationand reduces the potential of incorrectconnections.www . ElectricalPartManuals . com