2EATON IL520003EN Installation InstructionsInstallation Instructions - LDSQA4 Commercial Recessed Adjustable LED2INSTALLATIONRough-In Section1. Fixture Attachment Method: Install fixture into ceilingcavity using 1/2˝ electrical conduit. Use 3/4˝ channel,1-1/2˝ channel, 1/8˝ x 1/2˝ bar stock, or T-bar fastenersas mounting rails (furnished by others) by insertingthem through hanger brackets at both sides.2. Adjust hanger adjustment screws so bottom of collaris flush with finished ceiling line. Hanger bracket isreversible for total adjustment of 5˝ (Figure 2).3. Remove one of the junction box covers. Connect supplylead wires to lead wires of driver as per Wiring Diagramand in accordance with your local electrical code(s) orN.E.C.Optic Installation1. Remove Optic from protective packaging and removerubber Media Holder (Optional) ring to install anyoptional Media (Figure 5). To re-attach Media Holderto Reflector start with Alignment Arrow at AlignmentNotch and work around flange. For 1 piece of Media(optional) place the Reflector in the upper position(Figure 6 & 7) and for 2 pieces of Media (optional) placethe Reflector in the lower position (Figure 6 & 7).2. When using directional media such as the LinearSpread Lens (optional) align the lens grooves withAlignment Arrow on Media Holder (Figure 8).3. Remove protective LED Cover (Figure 9) from Housingby rotating counter clockwise.4. Insert Optic Assembly into housing Flange first whileholding the metal Reflector and not the rubber MediaHolder. Place the Flange on the white ReflectorMounting Clip and press firmly then rotate clockwiseuntil the 3 latches snap into place (Figure 10). EnsureAlignment Arrows on Media Holder and ReflectorMounting Clip line up for optional directional media(Figure 11).Hanger AdjustmentScrewsCollarFinishedCeiling LineRotationThumb ScrewCollar LockingThumb NutFigure 2.Figure 3.Figure 4.AngleAdjustmentPlungerAngle AdjustmentThumbnutAngleAlignmentMarksRotation and Tilt Adjustment1. Loosen Angle Adjustment Thumbnuts (2) through collaropening but do not remove (Figure 3).2. Pull Angle adjustment plunger to change tilt and releasefor rough adjustment in 10 degree increments. Anglealignment marks provided for reference (Figure 3).2. Twist angle adjustment plunger counterclockwise whilepulled out to lock in place. For full adjustment between0 degrees and max tilt.3. Tighten Angle Adjustment Thumbnuts (2) to lock inangle.5. If adjustment of the rotational alignment of the collar isdesired, loosen the collar locking thumb nut. Rotate thecollar to the desired position and then tighten the collarlocking thumb nut (Figure 4)6. Reach through collar opening, loosen Rotation ThumbScrew, rotate to desired direction and re tighten thumbscrew to lock in place (Figure 4).