www.eaton.com IB02601007E Page 72 Quick Start Guide for the Meter Module2 QUICK START GUIDE FOR THE METER MODULE2.1. Safety PrecautionsAll safety codes, safety standards and/or regulations must be strictly observed in theinstallation, operation and maintenance of this device.WARNINGS refer to instructions that, if not followed, can result in death or injury.CAUTIONS refer to instructions that, if not followed, can result in equipmentdamage.WARNINGSSHOCK HAZARDS:IMPROPER INSTALLATION CAN CAUSE DEATH, INJURY AND/OR EQUIPMENTDAMAGE. Follow all Warnings and Cautions. Completely read and understand the infor-mation in this document before attempting to install or operate the equipment. Improperwiring could cause death, injury and/or equipment damage. Only qualified personnel areto service the Power Xpert Meter 4000/6000/8000 and Graphic Display.TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES MAY REQUIRE PROXIMITY TO EXPOSEDENERGIZED (LIVE) ELECTRICAL WIRING AND/OR PARTS WHERE THE HAZARD OFFATAL ELECTRIC SHOCK IS PRESENT. Exercise extreme care to avoid injury or death.Always disconnect, lock-out and tag the current and voltage sources and the controlpower supply circuit before touching the connections or components on the rear face ofthe Power Xpert Meter 4000/6000/8000 and Graphic Display.FAILURE TO GROUND THE POWER XPERT METER MAY RESULT IN DEATH, IN-JURY OR EQUIPMENT DAMAGE. Properly ground the Meter Module during installation.IMPROPER ASSEMBLY AND INSTALLATION OF THE CT TERMINAL BLOCK ANDSTRAIN RELIEF HOOD MAY RESULT IN OPEN CIRCUITED CTS AND EXPOSURE TODANGEROUS VOLTAGES WHICH MAY RESULT IN SEVERE INJURY OR DEATH.Terminal block hoods are provided with the metering current and voltage terminal blocks.The current terminal block retaining screws are part of the matching hood assembly. Thecurrent terminal block and hood assembly must be properly installed with retaining screwsto secure the current terminal block to the meter housing to prevent exposure to shockhazard.