0 About this manual0.4 Reading conventionsCompact PLC XC-152 05/17 MN050001ZU EN www.eaton.com 7For the latest information on the product, please visit the Automation, Con-trol & Visualization section at:http://www.eaton.eu/xc-152Eaton Online CatalogEnter "XC-152" into the search box and the catalog will take you directly tothe corresponding product group in the Automation, Control and visualizationsection. http://www.eaton.eu/ecat0.4 Reading conventionsSymbols used in this manual have the following meanings:▶ Indicates instructions to be followed.0.4.1 Hazard warnings of material damages0.4.2 Hazard warnings of personal injury0.4.3 TipsNOTICEWarns about the possibility of material damage. CAUTIONWarns of the possibility of hazardous situations that may possi-bly cause slight injury. WARNINGWarns of the possibility of hazardous situations that could resultin serious injury or even death. DANGERWarns of hazardous situations that result in serious injury ordeath.→ Indicates useful tips.