9 Technical data9.4 InterfacesCompact PLC XC-152 05/17 MN050001ZU EN www.eaton.com 75additional interfaces XC-152-E3-11 XC-152-E6-11 XC-152-E8-11 XC-152-D8-11 XC-152-D6-11Article no. 167850 167851 167852 167849 167855RS485 not galvanicallyisolatednot galvanicallyisolatednot galvanicallyisolatednot galvanicallyisolatedBaud rate - Max. 57.6 kBit/s Max. 57.6 kBit/s Max. 57.6 kBit/s Max. 57.6 kBit/sPotential isolation - none none none noneConnections - 9 pole SUB-D (plug)9 pole SUB-D (plug)9 pole SUB-D (plug)9 pole SUB-D (plug)RS232 not galvanicallyisolatednot galvanicallyisolatednot galvanicallyisolatedBaud rate Max. 57.6 kBit/s - - Max. 57.6 kBit/s Max. 57.6 kBit/sPotential isolation none - - none noneConnections 9 pole SUB-D (plug)- - 9 pole SUB-D (plug)9 pole SUB-D (plug)PROFIBUS not galvanically isolatedProfile - - DP V1MPI (Master)DP V1MPI (Master)-Baud rate - - Max. 1500 kBit/s Max. 1500 kBit/s -Potential isolation - - none none -Number of users - - 126 126 -Connections - - 9 pole SUB-D (socket)9 pole SUB-D (socket)-CAN not galvanicallyisolatednot galvanicallyisolatedProfile - CANopen®/easyNet(Master/Device)- - CANopen®/easyNet(Master/Device)Baud rate - Max. 1000 kBit/s - - Max. 1000 kBit/sPotential isolation - none - - noneNumber of users - 127 - - 127Connections - 9 pole SUB-D (plug)- - 9 poleSUB-D (plug)