Installationslot. Centering the card over the slot and using a gentle rocking motion whilepushing downward into the slot generally works well. Be careful not to force thecard into the slot, or bend or twist it while it is being inserted, as this could resultin the card being damaged.7. Now use the screw that you removed earlier, from the protective back plate, toattach the metal bracket on the card to the computer’s rear panel.8. Replace the computers cover, and secure it. Reattach its power supply cord andreconnect any peripherals that you may have removed prior to beginning theinstallation.9. Locate the audio interface box and the interface cable. Securely mount theinterface into your equipment rack (Layla3G only). If you will not be mountingthe box in a rack, then be sure to place the interface box in a secure location.Plug one end of the cable into the connector on the Echo PCI card that nowprotrudes through the back panel of your computer, and secure the cable usingthe built-in screws located on both sides of the connector. Attach the other endof the cable to the connector on the rear of the interface labeled “computer” andfasten the cable securely with the screws.Caution: Never connect the audio interface box to the computer while thecomputer is turned on. This could damage the interface box or PCI card.10. You can now attach external audio devices to the connectors on the audiointerface box. Information on attaching external devices to the audio interfacebox may be found in the following section: “Connecting to the Audio Interface”.11. Turn on your computer. Once Windows starts, it should find new hardwarecalled “Echo3G” and begin to install the drivers. For most versions of Windows,this process is entirely automatic. For Windows XP, you should select theoption “Install the software automatically,” and follow the on-screen directions.Note: This version of the WDM driver has not been digitally signed byMicrosoft; for Windows 2000 and XP, you will need to confirm that youwant to install an unsigned driver.11Installation