Console Software27Console SoftwareThe gang button, marked with a “G,” sets the gang mode. If you are in gang mode,the mute buttons and nominal level buttons will work together for the left and rightchannels; for example, clicking the mute on one channel activates the mute buttonon the other channel. Also, ganging the faders ties them together so they willmaintain their relative placement with regard to each other. Holding down theShift key temporarily reverses the state of the gang button; that is, if the gangbutton is down, holding down shift puts you in non-ganged mode and vice versa.Analog InputsThe controls for the analog inputs are outlined in red and have the label “Analogin” at the bottom. There is one strip, or input channel, corresponding to each ofLayla3G’s eight physical analog inputs. The input level meters and nominal levelbuttons remain viewable at all times, whereas the input monitor controls (pan,mute, faders and gang) that are viewable will change depending on which outputbus is currently selected.The topmost control is a button labeled “+4”; this button allows you to select thenominal level for this analog input. Since the button currently reads “+4,” it isready to accept a +4 dBu signal. Click the button to change this input to –10 dBVmode. This button will affect the level of what you record as well as the monitorlevel. Below the “nominal level” button is the peak meter for this channel, labeledin decibels. Once again, these are visible at all times. Please note that there are nonominal level buttons for inputs 1 and 2 since they have trim knobs on the front ofthe audio interface box.For Gina3G, you will find a phantom power button labeled “+48v” at the top of theinput channel for analog inputs 1 and 2. This button toggles the phantom power onand off for the universal inputs (1 and 2).The input monitor controls are a little more complicated. Basically, there is adifferent set of input monitor controls for each output bus, but only one set isviewable and changeable at a time. In the example above, the only set of inputmonitor controls that is viewable and changeable is the one for the output buscalled “Analog out 1/2". To see and change a different set of input monitor controlsyou will need to select a different output bus (see the “Bus Select” section above).