Connecting to the Audio InterfaceTo use a microphone, plug the microphone’s XLR cable into any of the universalinputs. Whenever an XLR cable is connected to a universal input, the microphonepreamp is enabled and the gain range of the trim knob is set to range from +10 to+58dB. The input impedance of each microphone preamp is 1.5Kohms. Full-scaleinput is 9dBu with the trim set to minimum gain.Layla3G and Gina3G provide 48 volts of phantom power for microphones thatrequire it. To enable phantom power for Layla3G, press the button labeled +48v(the LED next to it will light up) and phantom power will be provided to allmicrophone inputs. Gina3G has a switch in the console software for this purpose.Note: Phantom power will not be applied to any line level equipment orguitars plugged in using cables with ¼” connectors.To record a guitar or line level signal, just plug a cable with a ¼” connector intoone of the universal inputs. Whenever a ¼” cable is connected to a universal input,the guitar/line preamp is enabled and the gain range of the trim knob is set to rangefrom 0 to +45 dB. The guitar/line preamp can support both guitar & line levelsignals. The input impedance of each guitar/line preamp is 102Kohms. Full-scaleinput is 18dBu with the trim set to minimum gain.If you want to adjust the input level of a universal input, just turn the trim knob andwatch the corresponding level meter. The red light at the top will light anytime theinput signal is greater than –6.5dBFS (or within 6.5dB of clipping). The yellowlight represents a signal greater than –12.5dBFS, and the green light represents asignal greater than –24.5dBFS.For optimal audio quality, you should adjust the input trim knob so that yourloudest recorded signal lights up the yellow light, but not the red. When the redmeter light shines extra bright – you’ve clipped! If the signal level ever exceeds0dBFS the signal will be “clipped” and you will hear a “pop” or “tick” in therecording. This is a very bad thing, and clipping should be avoided at all costs!There is enough headroom so that you can be conservative in this area, and there isno need to push the input levels right up to the edge of clipping.14Connecting to the Audio Interface