7-A selected source (LED lit) is deselected when its key is pressed again (allLEDs off), leaving the unit without an active line MICROPHONE SELECTION:-Pressing either the MIC1 or MIC2 keys activates the correspondingmicrophone input (LED lit = microphone selected)-One, both or neither microphone can be selected simultaneously (both LEDslit)-A selected microphone (LED lit) is deselected (LED off) when its key ispressed againNote: Sources can also be selected with a remote control, with a WPmVOL-SR remote controlpanel (only LINE sources) or with the serial communication port. It is also possible to storepresets that have a determined combination of active sources and recover them later with any ofthe available methods. Continue reading this manual to learn the details of all of these options.The way in which the active (selected) sources are directed to the unit's outputsdepends on its operating mode:OPERATINGMODE ROUTING SIGNALS TO THE OUTPUTSSTEREO(St displayed onthe LCD screen)The selected line is sent in stereo configuration to the outputs (input L to output A (L)and input R to output B (R))The selected microphones are either simultaneously sent to both outputs (L and R)either as a direct sum of the line signal or using the TALKOVER / PAGER function (*)MONO(Mo displayedon the LCDscreen)The selected line is sent in mono configuration (L+R) to both outputs (input L + input Rto outputs L and R)The selected microphones are sent simultaneously to both outputs (L and R) either asa direct sum via the line signal or with the TALKOVER / PAGER function (*)BRIDGE(Br displayed onthe LCD screen)The selected line is sent in mono configuration (L+R) to the single output in bridgemode (the speakers must be connected using the rear panel's BRIDGE + and -connectors)The selected microphones are sent to the single output in bridge mode (rear panel'sBRIDGE + and - connectors), either as a direct sum via the line signal or with theTALKOVER / PAGER function (*)ZONES A/B(ZA or ZBdisplayed on theLCD screen)Each output zone is monophonic and can have a source selection and/or microphonesthat are independent from each other: ZONE A: can receive the signal from one line (L+R) and/or one of the twomicrophones ZONE B: can receive the signal from one line (L+R) and/or one of the twomicrophonesConsequently the two zones are totally independent in terms of output volumes,selection of received sources and broadcast volumes.The microphones can work on the output zone directly, either as a direct sum via theline signal selected or with the TALKOVER / PAGER function (*)(*) If the Talkover function is active, the microphone signal attenuates the line signalwhen it exceeds the activation threshold. In addition, if an MPAGE4 alert console isconnected to the PAGER connector and the PAGER function of the MIC1 input isactivated, it is possible to select the destination of the voice message emitted by theconsole, directing it either to zone A, zone B or both (internally the PAGER connectordelivers its microphone signal to the MIC1 input).