www.fanox.com Rev. 26 53/188The equipment is maintenance free when this type of power supply is used, as it does notrequire auxiliary power components (batteries). As a result, it is especially useful in any centreswere auxiliary power is not available or cannot be guaranteed. As well as using the current topower itself, it can also be powered from a 12V battery and an auxiliary power source (optional,can be selected for each model).It has phase and neutral overcurrent protection functions. As an option, which can be selectedfor each model, it can be fitted with a direct trip input, normally connected to a bimetallic contactwhich is activated by excess heat and is fitted to the power transformer. This serves as a backupto the overcurrent functions.The SIA-C equipment comes in a metal box with galvanic isolation on all of its measurement, tripor power supply inputs and outputs (with the exception of ports for communications and thebattery power supply, as these are sporadic connections). This allows the equipment to have thebest possible level of electromagnetic compatibility, both in terms of emission of, and immunityfrom, radiated and conducted interference. These levels are the same as those established forprimary substations.The equipment has an LCD with two lines and twenty columns and a membrane keyboard withsix buttons. These allow the equipment status, the current measurements in the primary windingand the events or incidents associated with the equipment to be seen, and adjustments to bemade to the protection criteria. These events are saved in a non-volatile memory to keep themwhen there is no power. Models with mechanic F and G have LCD backlight and it is neccessarya current of 0.35xIn (1 phase) or 0.17xIn (3 phase) to achieve the backlight.There are up to three bistable magnetic indicators (depending on model) on the front of the SIA-C equipment. These indicate the causes of trips, and continue to give a signal even if the relayloses power. It is also fitted with up to three LED indicators. These leds are configurugablethanks to the PLC.As regards signalling, there are four possibilities to choose from when the model is selected: Without inputs or outputs 2 outputs 2 inputs and 2 outputs 3 outputsThese signalling outputs and inputs can be configured thanks to the programmable logic (PLC).By default the configuration is as follows:Options Default configuration2 outputs Output 2 : Overcurrent tripOutput 3: Earth fault trip2 outputs and 2 inputs Trip bus configuration3 outputs Output 2 : Overcurrent tripOutput 3: Earth fault tripOutput 4: Watchdog