www.fanox.com Rev. 26 66/188Relays with feeder functionality must activate the output 1 when detect the startup of function50P or 50/51P and must activate the output 2 when detect the startup of function 50N/G or50/51N/G.Relays with supply functionality, block the trip of functions 50P and 50/51P when detect theactivation of input 1 and block the trip of functions 50N/G and 50/51N/G when detect theactivation of input 2.The physical connection which is needed to perform is next: outputs 1 of feeder equipmentsmust be connected to the input 1 of the supply equipment and outputs 2 of feeder equipmentsmust be connected to the input 2 of the supply equipment.Once the physical connections are made, logical signals must be configured to physical inputsand outputs:The pickup signals of the feeder relay should be connected to the outputs through an OR gateand a PULSE operation. The adjusted time must be the time of feeder’s functions (time delaysetting), plus the trip holding time (in SIA-C this time is approximately 200 ms), plus the securitytime (to ensure the signal has dropped off).The PULSE operation provides a pulse signal that will block the supply functions enough time toallow the feeder relay to trip, to open its breaker and to make the fault disapear. The pulseoperation guarantees that the output of the pulse will be activated the adjusted time, once theinput of the pulse is active, independently of the time the input remains active.