12EnglishTroubleshootingSteam is coming from the ovenWhen cooking foods with a high water content (e.g.oven chips) there may be some steam visible at therear grille. Take care when opening the oven door,as there may be a momentary puff of steam whenthe oven door is opened. Stand well back and allowany steam to disperse.The oven fan is noisyThe note of the oven fan may change as the ovenheats up - this is perfectly normal.The knobs get hot when I use the oven, can I avoidthis?Yes, this is caused by heat rising from the oven, andheating them up. Don’t leave the oven door open.If there is an installation problem and I don’t get myoriginal installer to come back to fix it who pays?You do. Service organisations will charge for theircall outs if they are correcting work carried out byyour original installer. It’s in your interest to trackdown your original installer.Current Operated Earth Leakage BreakersWhere the cooker installation is protected by a30-milliamp sensitivity residual current device(RCD), the combined use of your cooker and otherdomestic appliances may occasionally causenuisance tripping. In these instances the cookercircuit may need to be protected by fitting 100mAdevice. This work should be carried out by aqualifi ed electrician.Food is cooking too slowly, too quickly, or burningCooking times may differ from your previous oven.Individual tastes may require the temperature to bealtered either way, to get the results you want. Trycooking at a different temperature setting.The oven is not cooking evenlyDo not use a tin or baking tray larger than 340mm x340mm.If you are cooking a large item, be prepared to turnit round during cooking.If two shelves are used, check that space has beenleft for the heat to circulate. When a baking tray isput into the oven, make sure it is placed centrallyon the shelf.Check that the door seal is not damaged and thatthe door catch is adjusted so that the door is heldfirmly against the seal.A dish of water when placed on the shelf should bethe same depth all over. (For example, if it is deeperat the back, then the back of the cooker should beraised up or the front lowered). If the cooker is notlevel arrange for your supplier to level it for you.Oven temperature getting hotter as the cooker getsolderIf turning the knob down has not worked or onlyworked for a short time then you may need anew thermostat. This should be fitted by a serviceperson.Hotplate ignition or hotplate burners faultyIs the power on?Are the sparker (ignition electrode) or burner slotsblocked by debris?Are the burner caps correctly located?Hotplate burners will not lightIf only one or all the hotplate burners will notlight, make sure that the parts have been replacedcorrectly after wiping or removing for cleaning.Check that there is not a problem with your gassupply. You can do this by making sure that othergas appliances you may have are working.Do the burners spark when you push in the controlknob? If not, check the power is on.