COMMUNICATIONS GUIDE DEVICENET PROTOCOL469 MOTOR MANAGEMENT RELAY – COMMUNICATIONS GUIDE 127Assembly Object (class code 04h)The class and instance attributes for the assembly object (class 04h) are as follows:The attributes in this class can be accessed using Poll I/O Connection or ExplicitMessages Connection. This data could be polled from Class A0h, I/O Data InputMapping Object, instance 1, attribute 1 as well.ALLOCATION INFORMATION - ALLOCATION CHOICE (Object 03h, Instance 01h, Atttibute 05h)BIT ON (=1) DESCRIPTIONBIT 0 Explicit message connectionBIT 1 Polled I/O connectionBIT 2 Bit strobed connectionBIT 3 Multicast polling connectionBIT 4 Change of state connectionBIT 5 Cyclic connectionBIT 6 Acknowledge suppressionBIT 7 ReservedTable 16: Assembly object, Class code 04h, Attributes:Attribute Name/Description Services Default, Min, Max Data type01h Revision of the assemblyobject Get_Attribute_All 2, 2, 2 UINT02h Maximum instance createdby this object Get_Attribute_Single N/A, N/A, 96 UINTTable 17: Assembly object, Class code 04h, Instance 64h, Attributes:Attribute Byte Name/Description Services Default, Min, Max FormatCode03h1, 2 (low,high)IO polled data: relaystatus Get_Attribute_Single 0, 0, FFFF F1623, 4 (low,high)Input switches andoutput relay status Get_Attribute_Single 0, 0, FFFF F1635, 6 (low,high)Motor thermalcapacity used Get_Attribute_Single 0, 0, 100 F17 to 10 (low,high) Time to trip Get_Attribute_Single –1, –1, 99999 F20Table 18: Assembly object, Class code 04h, Instance 66h, Attributes:Attribute Byte Name/Description Services Default, Min, Max FormatCode03h1, 2 (low,high) IO polled data: relay status Get_Attribute_Single 0, 0, FFFF F1623, 4 (low,high)Input switches and outputrelay status Get_Attribute_Single 0, 0, FFFF F163