Modifications reserved Page 24/71OPM_SGS_USM_M75_M75_2US_V010.doc User Manual SG Series 750 UL S2 & SG Series 750 T12 UL S2SG Series S2 750 UPS Model UPS series number UPS nominal rating (kVA)Battery level LEDAll lightning lit LED open indicate a battery autonomy of 100%.LED A Fixed: indicates a battery autonomy between 6% and 25%.Blinking: indicates a battery autonomy ≤5%.LED A, B Indicate a battery autonomy between 26% and 50%.LED A, B, C Indicate a battery autonomy between 51% and 99%.Min: Battery autonomy time in minutes estimates with actual load.Load level LEDAll LED Off indicate a load status at ≤25%.LED A Indicates a load level between 26% and 50%.LED A, B Indicate a load level between 51% and 75%.LED A, B, C Indicate a load level between 76% and 100%.LED A, B, C, D Indicate a load level between 101% and 124%.LED D blinking Indicates a load level ≥125%.Fig. 6.1-2 LEDs on synoptic diagramLEDs on synoptic diagramLED 1 Utility rectifier OKLED 2 Utility bypass OKLED 3 Rectifier ONLED 4a Discharging batteryLED 4b Charging batteryLED 5 Inverter availableLED 6 Inverter ONLED 7 Q1 closed (load on UPS)LED 8 Automatic bypass ONLED 9 Load on UPSExamples of typical scenarios in the Synoptic Diagram:Load supplied by Inverter Load supplied by Automatic BypassLoad supplied by Battery Load supplied by eBoost™ Operation Mode (option)When the Load is supplied by eBoost™ Operation Modethe “eBoost” text is displayed.