Modifications reserved Page 27/71OPM_SGS_USM_M75_M75_2US_V010.doc User Manual SG Series 750 UL S2 & SG Series 750 T12 UL S2`Home\MeterCOUNTERSBypass utility failure : 25Rectifier utility failure : 14Overloads : 15InvOperTime [h] : 2135UPSOperTime [h] : 3125eBoost OperTime [h] : 1379Statistics screenThe total number of bypass utility faults (bypass utility outof tolerance).The total number of rectifier utility faults (rectifier utility outof tolerance).The total number of detected output overloads.The total operating time for the Inverter (in hours).The total operating time for the UPS (in hours).The total operating time for the UPS in eBoost™ OperationMode (in hours).This counter is displayed only when eBoost™ OperationMode is available (option).`Home\MeterBATTERY DISCHARGE COUNTERSResidual Charge Level100-81% 81-51% 50-21% 20-0%15 7 3 1On Battery Time [h]: 15Statistics battery discharge screenResidual Charge LevelThe number of discharges combined with the percentageof the available residual battery capacity at the time utilitypower is restored.On Battery Time [h]The total operating time of the UPS on battery (in hours).`Home\MeterUTILITYNUMBER OF FAST TRANSIENTS<2ms >2ms >5ms >10ms25 20 7 5eBoost rate = 70 %EBoost™ Operation Mode statistic screenThis screen is displayed only when eBoost™ OperationMode is available.The number of fast transients occurred on the bypass utilityon the last seven days.The statistic evaluation in % (100= good; 0= bad) of theutility, for the eBoost™ Operation Mode.